Flint looked over the wanted poster again, and let out a deep sigh of mild concern. "Gillman, why the hell did it have to be a Gillman? And they have tentacles now? Great." Flint looked up from the slightly torn and beer stained paper. He hated going to Billy's Tavern, but that was where all the "meaty" hits came in. Well, this should be the place. He's supposed to breach around 2am to feed. How do I make sure he breaches for me? Flints train of thought was stopped there, as he began hearing screams off in the distant. He started running towards them, he had to engage the monster before it slunk back into the sea. The people making the screams were priority number two. He started to get close enough to see orange flickering light through the dark. The closer he got the more he could make out. The Beast was there, but so was someone else. He watched for a few seconds to see what he was about to get himself into. He saw the shadowy figure sling fire into the creature. Was it an elemental? No more time to think, he had to act. He would throw himself on a bed of nails before he gave up his bounty. The clouds broke, and in the warm bathe of the moon light he could have sworn he saw the smile of fate itself...or a flock of birds. One or the other. He drank it in and felt the air leave his lungs. He gripped Beth as tight as he could, before starting to sprint. Moving as fast as his legs could propel him through the shifting sand, he came upon the beast and threw his wait into him, body checking him to the ground. He looked away from the behemoth for a second to gaze through the wall of fire at the figure. It was a girl, a few inches shorter than even him. He remembers thinking to himself, "huh, she's pretty" just before getting thrown 10 feet by a tentacle that lashed out angrily in all directions.