Rena after all that Ryuma said, still did nothing but stood there. Her expression hadn't changed as she listen very carefully to each word the boy had to say. Noboyuki was clearly struggling not to lash out once again, at least someone listened to her, but this arrogant youth before her did not get the message, yet she did nothing not yet. Really she was thinking, deep and hard, absorbing every last bit of malice pouring forth from Ryuma, use it as fuel, fuel to strike him down with absolute fury. Least that was the plan. When Noboyuki let go of her hand, Rena had enough... it wasn't going to be pretty. In a few long strides she was right there in the boy's face, even though they had the slight height difference, their eyes still met on the same plane. Then she smiled, it was not a happy one, no it was a fake, insidious grin that was only just hiding her true intent. One that Ryuma wouldn't be able to miss. "And don't you underestimate me, 'hero,' do you really think you are untouchable? Bravado is nothing but a ploy to hide your fear, how pathetic you could really be. Is making enemies of other humans truly for the best? I have heard of your world, oh I have, yes indeed. I know how your society works, and let me confirm here, that here everything is much, much different. I'm going to say that you are human enough to need sleep, food, water, hmm? Do you believe that you could remain awake for every waking hour of the day, looking out for the next murderer who has your head marked for [i][b]death[/b][/i]? [i]Oh but why would anyone be trying to kill you?[/i] I hear you asking? Ah good question, very good question. That is because no one takes kindly to filth like yourself, oh yes, this would not be before long in your mission to make as many enemies as possible, for you think that fighting with every single person you meet is somehow a sane idea." Rena started to speak in a lower tone, but was grinning even more. "Do you what to know, what happens when you're left alive? Torture, then death following, maybe, soon after. Maybe you'll be flayed, with a heated serrated knife your flesh would be [b][i]pealed[/i][/b] off, and oh of course you'll still be very well awake, also believe you would not be allowed to lose consciousness, after all it is only rude to 'fall' asleep. THEN, you shall be gutted, your entrails flopping freely from your abdomen, but relax in knowing that there would be extra care in ensuring you wouldn't bleed out, no you should be left alive after all, I think you'd agree. After that you'll be hoisted high up in a iron cage, off of a keep's tower, left to dangle for weeks, least until you finally pass away. High above the earth below, hmm maybe a crow would pay you a visit, I hear they absolutely [b][i]love[/i][/b] intestines." She suddenly pulled the boy down by the hair, she leaned forward towards his ear, and whispered so loudly and harshly Noboyuki was still able to hear. "[i]I will tell you again, don't you fucking underestimate me, you filthy maggot. Are you so stupid, and goddamn blind to not treat others with common sense, do you just downright have shit for brains? I [b]dare[/b] you to provoke me just [b]one[/b] more time, one more [b]single[/b] time and you will wish for death, that is not a if, that is a damned '[b]when.[/b]' "[/i] Rena pushed the boy away, she was still smiling, inside she was filled to the brim with fury. One more arrogant comment from this boy would be enough, just enough.