No Mandalorians, sorry. The average Mando isn't going to follow orders from an aruetyc officer or any military types; they are warriors, not soldiers, and they fight on the individual level or within clan units that do not translate over to anything that would make them fit into a platoon of infantry. In general, I am not allowing Mandalorians or HRD's and I will expand that list as necessary, especially as I already gave Uslam a bit of Mandalorian history and background. [quote=@mdk] Starting now, figured I'd give a heads-up on what I'm thinking. Gonna write up an Uslam pointman type, who's..... a little tweaked in the head, but more or less all there. [/quote] Sounds good; since they [url=]fought this[/url], it's undoubted that some of the veterans are a little twitchy. (Yes, that's where I came up with the whole Uslam thing. They got hit by the full kit and caboodle of Imperial might and that's why there's holes in the platoon for replacements to fill.) Uslam natives might come from other units as replacements as well, but that all is in the family, which is more than can be said for replacements that are from other parts of the Alliance.