[i][color=f6989d]Annaveya Kushrina[/color][/i] - [u]The Northern Cross[/u] The Naval commander simply sat and listened patiently while the Pirate went on a little bit of an annoying speech. Her intentions was to simply get a yes or no answer, but this one seemed completely incapable of simply shutting his mouth. On and on his drivel went, until at last he asked if she had a thing for tying people up. His ship was gone, he was a prisoner on her ship, and he still had the gall to try and insult her like that? She had to admit that he had guts at least. Or he was simply insane. The answers to these choices probably varied greatly. But no matter, her slender arms simply folded in front of her as she finished for the mad Pirate to complete his little speech. Once he did, the Merchant simply rolled her eyes for a moment before finally speaking back to him once again. [color=f6989d]"A simple yes or no to my initial question would have been preferred."[/color] She stated upon the forefront, her crimson gaze never fading from the least from the annoying little man who stood there. [color=f6989d]"I don't care about your ship, or what you're looking for. As far as I'm concerned you can either give me the answer I want, or I can have your dead body hung from the gallows on public display."[/color] Raising her fingertips, the Anna simply rapped her knuckles upon the steel door that divided Edoric from the rest of the ship. A metal shutter from the viewing port jerked open, and just the tip of a barrel jutted out just past the bars. The sight of which was lined up upon the tied and bound pirate. Annaveya however, still held her hand raised, her fingertip pointed towards the heavens. [color=f6989d]"On my command, this fine gentleman will put a hole the size of a grapefruit through your skull. Let's try this again, shall we?"[/color] She leaned slowly forward, a hawkish gaze being cast down upon the captain as she simply stared him down. Like a bird of prey looking upon a rat, he was little more than a piece of dispensable piece of filth. Resting her chin leisurely upon an elbow as she sat, she continued. [color=f6989d]"Answer my first question. Whatever drivel you were going on about can be mused over later. Are you interested in an opportunity to actually survive, or not?"[/color] [color=f6989d]"Answer quickly, or I'll carve out your one good eye and feed it to the birds."[/color]