[b]A Web of Lies[/b] [b]The King is dead, long live the king![/b] It was already noon, and the coronation had just begun in the Red Keep. Many high lords and ladies far and near were cramped into its throne room, and Ser Arthur Baratheon was one of them. And he wasn't happy about it. [i]Even Dorne is cooler than this room[/i], Ser Arthur thought and swiped sweat from his brow. [i]Gods be damned with their long summers and days like these.[/i] His silken tunic was designed to keep his body cool, but the Red Keep was known to be a hellhole on a warm summer day. And it didn't do him good that the coronation of the lord Arryn was taking ages! The High Septon was talking something about the wisdom of the gods and the responsibility of a king to the gods above, to the lords beside him and to the people below, but Arthur couldn't care less. He hated the High Septon and his annoying voice with its tempo and high pitch. Arthur had hated the man since the day he had arrived to the capital. He remembered that day well. High Septon had been sent to greet him along with some servants and soldiers, and weary from the travel, Arthur had been annoyed by the High Septon. He had started to talk and just had kept on talking and talking. Arthur had almost punched to man to the gut, but had resisted the urge. The hall used for the coronation was the throne room where the Iron Throne was. [i]It is an ugly piece of furniture and really a pain in the ass to sit[/i], Arthur contemplated. The High Septon and Lord Arryn, the king-to-be, were in front of the Throne, standing few feet apart. The lords and ladies were standing all around the throne room. It didn't have many chairs or any other furniture. The High Septon was finishing his speech, and was asking everyone to join in a prayer to the gods, to grant the new king wisdom and a long, prosperous reign. [i]Gods, just strike them down with a bolt of lightning[/i], Arthur prayed. But they didn't, because they didn't listen to him, as always. They never listened to him.