The road to Kirin Taq was long and parched of much sights and entertainment. Horse shoe clatter, and the clanking of various types of metallic items were the only phenomenon uttering some sense of tonality. The fortuitous neighs and sputtering of the horse Prince Edgar sat upon could be added to the sense of vibrant ambiance upon this, otherwise, uncultivated road. Every now and then, he could would find himself briefly accompanied by travelers heading in various other directions, whom he would acknowledge with a fair wave and head nod though he kept his true identity, as Ruler of these lands, hidden under the hooded attire he was currently wearing. Some riders had fallen asleep upon their mounts, seemingly having faith solely in their horses sense of general direction. Others, who were less favorable of a mount were seen setting up various camps of to the sides of the road. This seemed like such an amazing idea to prince, but he knew that his destination grew near, and there was business of much importance to apprehend. With a snap of the reigns he had clasped firmly in his hands, and a verbal command to his horse, he quickened his pace to a swift gallop and set his aim back on the road in font of him. [indent]Many minutes had passed, and he had not slowed his pace any. The eastern gates of the city of Kirin Taq came into his line of sight. He mad ready a Royal Permit, stamped, signed and sealed by the young prince himself; ordering that the merchant he was posing as be permitted though the city to deliver goods to the city just west of Kirin Taq. As he approached the guarded gate, he tugged firmly on the reigns signaling the horse to slow down to a steady trot as they grew closer, finally to a complete halt. With much confidence in his espionage, he forked over the grant letter to the guard that had approached him as he slowly dismounted, knowing that there was going to be very little, if any, exchange in words betwixt them. He had entangled the reigns around his right hand, in preparation to enter the city. With no further delay after reading the consent letter, the closer immediately signaled for the other to open the gates. They two saluted Edgar stiffly and astutely as crossed through the border of the city's walls. The moonlight revealed nothing but a most Machiavellian grin upon his face as the Magic barrier had been placed back up, and cloaked to simulate giant walls with a crackling, shimmering ring.[/indent] [indent][indent]He felt the Sil'rithil resonate strongly from inside his left glove now that he was in a magic imbued city. He knew some of the others had already made it into the city even more so as he felt the haunting, lingering presence growing stronger, and stronger. He continued further into the city, adjusting the hooded part of his under-cloak, keeping his face immersed deeply into its lengthy brim. He could hear the clanking of patrol knight's armor as they marched by, and the distant chattering of the towns people who were still awake with their windows ajar. Every now and again he would lift his head to navigate the dark parts of some roads, until there was no mistaking that he had made it to the right place. He tied the horse off on a nearby post outside of the meeting area and proceeded to greet the to armored women standing outside.[/indent][/indent] [indent][i][b]"Forgive my delay. The voyage here deemed slightly perilous. Not but a few interruptions, but nothing life threatening to the point I couldn't handle."[/b][/i][/indent] He looked out towards the road, removing his hood as he sidestepped the moonlight and various flickering light of torches and candlelight, into a concealed, more shadowy part of the area. [indent][indent][i][b]"It seems we have a few more stragglers other than myself"[/b][/i] he giggled monotonously and proceeded to sigh, [i][b]"Though I'm certain the wait won't be too much longer"[/b][/i] He eyed the road a few time more over before settling on going in side to parch his thirst.[/indent][/indent]