"Oh really, my lord of Lannister? The High Septon just crowned the king. That means we're one step nearer ending this mummer's coronation" Arthur said back to Mychael. He didn't have much love for the Lannisters, but Mychael seemed all right. He wasn't a fighter like him, but Mychael was like his lord father in many ways. Both had their noses buried deep in ledgers and reports. Arthur was bored by paperwork, but he knew someone had to do it, because soldiers like him depended on them. Somebody had to pay the soldiers and gather money to equip them, to build the roads they marched on. His father, the lord of the Storm's End, had just been chosen to the small council to act as the Master of Coin. He must have been happy to hear that he beat the famed lion of Lannister. "That sword is really a beauty, though" Arthur remarked. "Maybe not as good-looking as my Doom, but still a worthy blade for a king."