Arthur was watching the Iron Throne and the king as he was walking up the steps to sit on the throne. He heard what the Lannister said, and felt an urge to look what he was talking about, but instead, he tried to keep his calm. "A dragon, Lord Lannister? Are you kidding with me?" he said with a whisker of amusement. He didn't take his eyes from the king. "There hasn't been fire-breathing dragons in Westeros for almost quarter of a century, let alone a Targaryen in this hall for like fifteen years!" Arthur had been born under the rulership of the last Targaryen king, yet he had been toppled from his throne before his tenth name day. He had been told that the Targaryens were wicked kings who drank wildfire as wine. He didn't knew about that, but Arbor gold was a much better choice. "Just go to talk to him, Lannister, and get it over with" he said and turned to Lord Lannister. "You should get yourself introduced with him and if he's a Targaryen, then you can turn him up to the crown."