[i][quote=@Nomi Yanimura] xD Yes, pretty much. Just hop right in and start RPing. So long as you try and stick to the genre and make a mild effort to interact with the other people RPing in the thread, then we'll be golden! Welcome to the party. Hope you have fun! ^__^ [/quote][/i] Hiiii~~!! Urshums! Will do and thanks ya^^ ~~~~~ K, sooooo... like [@Feisty-Pants] do ya wanna crew-member? [hider=Bonjour, mes cheries][img]http://ow.ly/LP3Z7[/img] [i]Je m'apelle Genvieve.[/i] Huahahahah... but you call me [b][color=7bcdc8]"Genie,"[/color][/b] oui, you do. I come and go as I please, mostly because for if I will stay; I want you to die. But as long as I am fed, as long as I am comforted and as long as you keep my boots safe, I will be loyal to you. For when night falls, my gorgeous fuzzy white body falls away and my hideous and frail form appears. No tail!! But at least that is when I may wear my boots. [i]J'adore mes bottes simplement![/i] But ooooohhhh... those times when Mother Moon pulls at the tides, I will take off my boots and, in my hideous and frail form, I will walk away. But this is when I am at my strongest. For when Mother Moon pulls at the tides, she allows Genvieve to scream back at Mother Moon as a [b]Goddess.[/b] [i]Mais, quoi?[/i] So you want to meet her earlier than that...? [i]Vraiment..? D'accord, cherie.[/i] It is simple then, it is... huahahahah... all you must do to meet the Goddess is to... [i]comment on dit?[/i] How do you say...? 'Pee out?' [i]Non... Ah! Oui.[/i] To meet the Goddess, all you must do is "piss me off." Then 850 pounds of Goddess Genvieve will rip off your face and cram it down your own throat. Impressive, non? Huahahahah... it is okay. [i]Ca va, ca va.[/i] Just do not "piss me off" and we will be fine together. But come now! I am [i]une Ame'Soeur,[/i] afterall. I bond with you. Protect you. Who loves you...? That's right. Genie does. Huahahahah... But ouai, I am an ooooooold wolfie now; I have lived too long and I have seen too much, so please do not mind if get bored easily. Just know I come and go as I please, but I will come back for I am loyal to you. That is the kind of wolf I am. I am deviant. I am not allergic to silver. I may create more of my kind, but I cannot infect. But I am cursed to never harm the ones I bond with no matter what they do or what intend to do. [i]Je suis une Loupe Ame'Soeur.[/i] I am... Kindred Spirit wolf. Sooooo who loves ya...? That is right. Genie does. Awwwwooooooo, baby. Huhahahah... [/hider] But, kk so liek if that dun work then I have another charrie that I will just inject into the RP. Just wanted to know if this kinda charrie was okay first and if ya needed a watchdog type of crew memvber. Watchwolf, I guess? xDDD Lemme know, k?^^