So, quite recently I've been having quite a few cravings for 1x1s. But, before we reach that point we will need to talk about who I am. I am indeed 17 years old and, though I could certainly pass as an 18 years old, I would prefer not to risk anything when it comes to mature content. I am a casual to advance writer but I don't actually put a limit on post lengths as I often prefer more quality in a paragraph. I do use more flourishy writing styles but I can pretty much change it to fit the situation. I can play pretty much any gender and yes that does mean Male, Female, Trans, and etc. Anyway, now time to get to the meat of this post... what I am looking for. Pairings Possible: Vampire X Slave Vampire X Vampire Vampire X Human King X Princess Prince X Princess Prince X Prince Noble X Commoner Open to pretty much anything y'all want for pairings. Now for the Cravings. Cravings Possible: [hider=An Immortal Endless Love] Pairings: Master Vampire X Fledling Vampire Setting: Modern New York City Plot: New York City is known as the City that never sleeps so why would love ever end? In recent years people having been dying from loss of blood, though these are mostly people who nobody would ever miss such as hookers and drug dealers. Occasionally a person would not be killed but would instead live after the attack only to gives reports of vampires and be laughed out of the police station. You were one of the survivors of these attacks and were laughed at as you pleaded with anybody and everybody to believe you. One night a very charming man happened to sit next to you and actually listened to your story. He invited you back to his flat and you went with him. Maybe it was not the best idea to go with him but you could barely resist his charm. Upon arriving at the flat you notice that it is very dark with the windows covered by black out curtains. He ofered you some wine and after a few cups you feel light headed. It isn't long before you are helplessly in his grasps as he drains your life from your already weak body. Then, he offers you a chance to live as a vampire under his tutelage. So, he opens his wrist and commands you to drink from his blood. You awake the next night in a dark, almost pitch black room in an unkown place. After turning on a light, you notice that there is a note on a nearby dresser which reads, 'Come into the living room whenever you are awake or ready.' [/hider] Well, that is about all I have for cravings right now but I am open to whatever cravings y'all are having. So post here or send me a pm if you wish.