See my post above. It's not even that far into the future, only a few years, but alternate world, wibbly-wobbly-ness. 2019-2020something Probably be good if I posted my own character, wouldn't it? xP [b]Character Name:[/b] Sabine Macintyre [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Appearance:[/b] Relatively muscular (especially for a woman), not unlike a professional athlete. Noticeable muscle definition, but not too 'ripped'. Slim and sleek build due to exercise and physical activity, but still has feminine curves. Reddish-brown hair, work practically short, but with a bit of flourish and style. Slim, arched eyebrows. Sharp, pointed cheekbones and rounded chin. Artificial eyes are extremely bright green, with - when standing very close - noticeable 'mechanical' lines in iris. Slightly dusky skin-tone, but has small amount of freckles around eyes and nose. Small patterned tattoo across upper back, at bottom of neck. Wears generally practical and sensible clothing when not wearing normal combat gear, though is not unknown to wear stylish and lady-like clothing when the correct occasion presents itself. [B]Personality:[/b] Somewhat guarded and cautious with others, but will open once she has had time to grow accustomed to them, and to trust them. Has a well-hidden soft side, and especially loves animals and nature, and has a fascination with the beauty and splendor of the natural world, from growing up in the vast outdoors of Canada. Tends to be driven and dedicated, and can be quite defensive about her role and position within the military, and is over-eager to prove herself. Nonetheless, is a competent and professional operator, and has a rational and quick mind and intellect. [b]History:[/b] Sabine's father was an officer in the RCMP, and served with distinction in the RCMP's Emergency Response Team (ERT) branch, and was awarded several citations and awards for exceptional service. This inspired Sabine to follow in his footsteps in some way - much to the disappointment of her mother, who had hoped their only daughter might follow a more ladylike course. As a concession to this, however, Sabine pursued hobbies in horse-riding and in music (playing the violin), both of which she was good at. Target shooting also figured high on her past-times. All the same, both parents supported her in her choice, and Sabine pressed herself to the task. Initially she had her eye on the ERT, but during her education and training, her school was visited by a recruiter from the Canadian Armed Forces, who persuaded her - not that it was hard - to enlist, in return for a healthy helping hand with her college fees. She accepted, and trained, as well as studied hard, graduating with a degree in international politics and cultural psychology. After her training, she served on active deployment in Afghanistan and in peacekeeping and disaster relief operations in the far east. Finding the infantry role interesting, but desiring more, she investigated training with Joint Task Force 2 (JTF-2), the Premiere Canadian Special Forces Unit, and was accepted for training. Things got difficult for the family after her father was targeted in retaliation for his instrumental part exposure of a terrorist cell plot in Canada. Sabine's mother and her younger brother were captured while at home and assaulted, while Sabine herself was captured and forced to watch. She was freed by a combined operation by JTF2 and ERT, during which the majority of the terrorists were killed, but her father was also critically wounded, as was she. Sabine lost the sight in both eyes, as well as receiving serious damage to her nervous system. Her father lost his right leg, as well as receiving traumatic injuries to his spleen and kidneys. Sabine's father was retired, and Sabine was on life-support in hospital. However, her family were approached by a source from within the armed forces community, and the opportunity was given to restore Sabine's full range of sight and bodily function using experimental nanotechnology and cybernetics. With no other real options available, and not willing to lose their daughter, Sabine's parents agreed. Sabine's body was enhanced with the technology. The result was that she regained her sight and the full use of her body, to greater levels than before. Her vision was now especially acute, and much better at noticing movement than previously, as well as able to adjust quicker to light levels. The enhancement to her nerve fibers increased their reaction time by a factor of a third, as well as restoring nerve connections to her extremities. Following the successful implementation of these surgeries along with a full psychological evaluation, Sabine was later cleared to return to active service. Her training with JTF2 continued and she graduated, followed by her superiors taking a special interest in her following her impressive results in training and exercises. She was transferred for additional cross-training with the US Navy SEALs, british SAS, US Army Rangers and Delta Force, as well as additional training in piloting helicopters, demolitions and heavy weapons use, and undercover intelligence gathering with numerous intelligence organizations, which she showed a considerable skill for. Further deployed into action against Syria to engage and 'acquire' high-value targets in the ongoing conflict there, and to engage in anti-piracy operations in Somalia, as well as other operations around the world, she gained a reputation with her comrades and other JTF2 operatives as a reliable and deadly operator, but not one lacking in humanity. Given her track record, she was seconded to the Blaze Unit, where she awaits her next challenge. [b]Special Talents or Skills:[/b] As mentioned, her cybernetic replacement eyes and her artificially repaired/enhanced nerve fibers give her increased reaction time and visual acuity, allowing her a greater comprehension of the battlefield, as well as the ability to react especially fast to ongoing events. She can't quite dodge a bullet, but she can get pretty damn close. [b]Personal Weapons & Equipment:[/b] [URL=]H&K Mk.23 pistol with LAM unit & suppressor [/url] [URL=]H&K MP5-A3[/URL] with flashlight handguard, red-dot scope and detachable suppressor Extrema Ratio fulcrum knife [URL=](top one of these two)[/URL] Frag & flashbang grenades as needed Other heavy weapons as required and issued. Wears whatever BDU's and colour of assault gear is appropriate to the situation at hand. [b]Personal Theme:[/b] WIP