Penelope held his gaze for a moment. She seemd rather unsure. He had proven himself helpful. She wondered if it would really be such a bad idea to let him keep the weapon. Attempting to use it on her and her comrades would be simply foolish considering their training and he was better armed against enemies, should they encounter more later on in their travel. A small, reluctant sigh escaped her lips. "Fine." She said sourly, like she was swallowing some putrid medicine. "You can keep and I won't say anything for now. Just don't be an idiot when it comes to using it." She was daring to put a little more trust in him, despite how reluctant she was. Little by little her alertness around him was beginning to decrease. Penelope tried to remind herself that he was still the enemy here and that her guard should always remain on high alert around him. But one could tell that it wasn't quite helping. As she moved back to her original position, she began to look outside the wagon. Unlike before, she would glance over less frequently now and instead became more aware of their surroundings than anything. With the two attacks it was reasonable to pay more attention to what was possibly lurking nearby.