IC: Ni Rensa Ryou, Computer Science "There is an additional point to your first assignment. Depending on how well you do, I'll place you in one of the three circles of desks, and we'll go on from there. Higher ranked students will have harder but more enjoyable assignments, lower students will receive more..." He shuddered barely perceptibly. "Teaching. If I come over to your station at the end of this class block and all you have written is "I am a fish" 400 times on your monitor in Sharpie... Heaven help you." Ni nodded at the class, then went back behind his own desk and turned his monitor on. He and Haven’s computer science instructor were in the middle of their annual “contest”, and he couldn’t afford to let the other teacher get too far ahead of him. The Key powered up, and what appeared to be a third person shooter popped up in the left half of his screen. The right half, however, was what Ni was focused on, a stream of code running up from the bottom of it. This was bad. He was farther than Ni wanted him to be.