Oswald Connolly- Survival-> Computer Science Paying little attention to Professor Vorosky and his last little note, Oswald made his way to his next class, lamenting the loss of his cloak. Again. Thankfully, he never made a big fuss over the rather simple piece of relatively heavy cloth, so he could simply find a fabric shop in the city and have that taken care of. As a matter of fact, he'd probably have to order several replacements, as he expected that he'd find himself devoid of his favorite fashion statement multiple times in the future. Shake-drying himself before he stepped inside the halls of Beacon, Oswald grimaced as each step brought a tiny 'squish' noise. He hoped Computer Science wouldn't be too labor-intensive. He also hoped that he didn't fry himself by getting a computer wet. As he stepped into the classroom, Oswald felt as if he were in a meat locker. Still wet from the fountain, he found himself shaking in the cold, and cursed under his breath. This was another reason he had his cloak-that thing was warm, as well as being water-resistant. He could have wrapped it around himself to avoid frostbite, but for now he'd have to deal with the temperature of the class, in addition the oppressive darkness. Professor Ni's introduction to the course scared Oswald- he hadn't handled anything more complex than a two-way radio in [i]years.[/i] While he knew he was less academically-inclined than his fellow students, this class was there to prove to him just how drastic the difference was. Logging in after a moment of trouble, Oswald found his way to the assignment folder, which resulted in a prompt face-desk. He looked around and met eyes with Shiro, the rambunctious tiger Faunus boy from Sapphire's team. Sharing a look of suffering, he returned to the assignment. After ten minutes, Oswald started to panic. At the twenty-minute mark, panic became anger. Thirty minutes in, anger turned into depression, which led to outright hopelessness when the fortieth minute rolled around. Ten minutes before the class ended, Oswald had succeeded in giving his representative a cloak. [i]A bright green one.[/i] Groaning pitifully, Oswald frowned at the computer before he finally gave up and worked on the other figure- the Grimm. Each keystroke was slow, with Oswald having to look at the keyboard to see what he was typing, and when the bell signaling the end of class rang, Oswald was the picture of a broken man.