Name: Roseletta “Black Rose” Yashia Age: 23 Birthday: Nov 5th Magic: Shadow Magic Level: A History: Rose joined the Riders at the age of 17 and quickly rose to the rank of the Horseman of Death, making her the third strongest member. Feared by most of those beneath her, she maintained her position through this fear and displayed a brutality when needed. Despite this though, one of these lower ranking members fell in love with her and slowly charmed his way into her heart, secretly dating with her once she began opening up. Sadly, this relationship didn't go completely unnoticed. Two members, who loathed Rose rather then feared her, learned of this relationship and decided to use it against Rose to humiliate her. Using poison, they managed to weaken Rose and cut off her ability to use magic while making her lover susceptible to their suggestions. With a couple of whispers and prods, they convinced her lover to take advantage of her weakness. The result of this and repeated poisoning was Rose being raped every night for an entire month. When she was finally released, the leader of the Riders dismissed her and gave her position to another member before leaving her in the closest town with nothing more then a few scraps of cloth. It didn't take long for Rose to realize she was pregnant and for a while, she considered getting rid of the child before it came into the world. However, a kind, older later, seeing the young, soon to be mother out on the streets, trying to scrape by, took pity on her and took Rose into her home. Originally intending to leave the moment she was well enough, the woman slowly nursed Rose back to health while also learning a bit about the woman she was taking care of. When this woman learned that Rose didn't plan on keeping the child she was bearing, the woman chastised Rose and warned her of the consequences of doing so: Not only would she likely ruin the child's life but her own as well. Refusing to believe her, Rose decided to at least let the child into the world. Late at night in midspring, Rose gave birth to her daughter Elyse and fell in love with her from her daughter's first cries. Hearing them made Rose realize she was about to make the same mistakes her mother had made while raising her and, remembering she vowed to be a better woman then her, realized that she really did want to care for this little person deep down in her heart. Rose has raised Elyse the best she can for the past four years, working on and off jobs, but she has realized that Elyse needs a level of stability. As such, she has headed to Pheonix Wing, to find a permanent job, people to look after Elyse while she is away, and find some level of stability. Personality: Personality: Rose is a woman of both light and darkness. In the past, she was a woman many feared, ruthless, cold-hearted, and completely devoid of all emotion. She can still be this way from time to time but only when her guild mates are in extreme danger or her daughter is in any sort of danger. Generally though, Rose has put this side behind her to be the kind of mother every child should have. She is kind, soft spoken, and always with a smile, especially where her daughter is concerned. She is very protective of Elyse and constantly worries about her but she will sit back and let Elyse experience new things until her daughter is in any sort of danger that could harm her Team Members: none so far Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Very dedicated to her fellow guildmembers and her daughter 2. Excellent bartender and cook for the guild 3. a consider ' mother' of the guild Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. her emotions strongly influences the abilitiy and strength of her magic 2. her daughter's safety 3. fear of not being the best mother she can be. Greatest Love: her daughter Motivation: To give her daughter the best life she can give her Appearance: [Img][/img] Additional Details: