Ryder willed his legs to keep moving. It was easier with Isabel at his side. She was taller than Ashe and made his balance easier to maintain. He wasn't thrilled about the idea of going into the slums, but Ashe was right. Alex would find them if they went anywhere else. They didn't have the luxury of running for a different city just yet. It was dangerously stupid, but it was their best option. Isabel let Ryder rest against a stump while they planned their next move. "I might be able to help you there." Ryder reached for Isabel's dagger and threw it in the direction of the voice. The owner didn't move a muscle. Ryder was too dizzy and weak to get the blade anywhere near him. A Khajiit with pitch black fur and golden eyes stood in front of them. He wasn't a beggar or even poor like the rest in the area. He was actually wearing a leather garb of some kind. It was too difficult to make out the details in the moonlight. "Khajiit knows a safe place. You follow him." Ryder was always annoyed by the cat people. They spoke in third person. Isabel picked him back up. She straightened him up when Ryder tried to resist. He didn't trust the strange cat, but Isabel did so he didn't have much say in the matter. "Come on, he's just a Thief." The Khajiit walked to the other side of the alley and opened up the sewer grate. He knelt by it and motioned for them all to go down. Ryder instinct was to kill the cat and run, but Isabel pulled him closer and looked down the dark hole. "Ashe, take your father. I'll go down first and help him down." "Khajiit will lead bad men away."