He left, that little pain was terrified and Rena knew that, behind all that bravado Ryuma was the pathetic idiot she knew he was. Before he left Rena continued shouting obscenities his way, it was insurance... just making sure he wouldn't return, that's what she told herself. Even though his presence was no longer there, the anger boiling within Rena was still boiling over, the kid did not necessarily insult her, nothing was thrown directly at herself he dishonored Noboyuki, she wasn't able to stand for that anymore. For a few minutes there was nothing happening, although Rena was visibly shaking, the self-control that once directed her wrath had ran out, at that point she was unable to control herself. Good news she didn't act on any impulse, after all Ryuma was the main subject of her anger, with him gone there was nothing really to lash out at. When Noboyuki dared to hold her hand... well Rena was about ready to verbally assault the hero, at least that was the case before she recognized him. She was no longer smiling, but actually enraged, her features easily shown as such, in one word she was very pissed. While she didn't pull away from Noboyuki, she didn't exactly embrace him. More or less she only allowed the man to hold her hand, that was about it. She was breathing deeply, relaxation techniques to help her come down after that emotional high. Noboyuki was saying something, however Rena didn't heed the words, they just stood there for a while longer, her partner still faithfully holding hands. A good fifteen minutes after Ryuma's departure, Rena finally calmed down significantly, her expression now neutral. She was anything but happy, not that she truly cared about the boy's well being, which was zero, she still of course did not find the experience to be all that pleasent. Noboyuki was still waiting on her, he couldn't be left standing there for any longer. "So... guess I was pretty scary there... huh? All I can say is he deserved everything there... but I still didn't like it. Not at all." Rena tried to smile, "There went diplomacy, kind of hypocritical is it not? Suppose there are times to lose it like that..."