Kouko turned to the Priestess beside her as she spoke up. Too short to reach the woman's shoulder well, she instead touched her hand, though continued to face the Prince. She let him speak, before speaking in turn. "It must be a difficult circumstance to live with." If anyone here knew about living with the consequences of others life styles, it was her. Not that she could complain about her parents, but her life was not... comfortable, at all times. Her parents did what they could. Had she not had that life-changing night, she would be the next generation of potter right now. For that, she was grateful. "You have made a difficult choice." Before much else could be said, the woman that seemed to be the source of the earlier tension spoke up. Kouko stared at her in disbelieve, her hand falling from contact with the Miko's. She sighs after a moment, placing the palm of the hand she had touched Hanami's with on her face. "That woman is impossible..." Since she's impossible, she's best ignored. Kouko observes the brother and sister in front of her carefully. The face he wore... she knew it well. She'd faced her parents like that many times. "Miko-san. Don't make this any harder for him than it has to be." She turns her head to look up at the priestess, before returning her gaze to the Princes. "Yes, sir."