Name: Tristan Whitemarch Age: 20 Race: Human Sex: Male Appearance: [hider=Appearance][img=] This without a ponytail.[/hider] Homeland: Renalta History: [hider=History] Born the fourth and youngest male child of the wealthy Whitemarch family, Tristan’s life has been planned out for him before he even popped out of his mother’s womb. Being the fourthborn, he was unlikely to ever inherit his Lord Father’s estates and titles, of which there were numerous and many. Despite the existence of the will in Renalta, the Whitemarch family has always been very staunch and traditional in its values; practicing the inheritance of the eldest son and believing that their blood should always be ‘pure’. The eldest son, Josef, was bred to be the successor of the estates; the second eldest, Devan, bred to be Josef’s advisor (and replacement, should anything ill happen to the eldest). The third son, Cristoff was likewise bred to be a great - a commander of the Queens’ armies that would bring glory and honor to the name Whitemarch. That left Tristan, who would be bred to be Cristoff’s backup. The Whitemarches were nothing if not vigilant. This preset destination of life irked Tristan growing up. While he was charismatic and well loved by Whitemarch subjects; he never truly got used to the idea of command of an army. Tristan had always been close to all his three sisters, Josef and Cristoff, but Devan (the second son) had always seemed to have no more than three words to say to him every time they met. He liked to skip training sometimes by lying to his master-at-arms that he had been called by one of his many elder family members. He had convinced his siblings to play along; sometimes Josef and Cristoff even brought him and his younger sister on hunts in the forests near their estate. It was only a month ago when it happened. Josef was governing the estate in the stead of his father who had travelled away. His sister had sought him out and told him of something she overheard when she was evading her history tutor. She heard Devan talking of a plan with the captain of the guard; about how today was the day he would be assured of his birthright, and not that bumbling fool Josef. Tristan asked about the castle and discovered that Devan, Josef and the captain of the guard had departed from the mansion. To this day Tristan doesn’t know what excuse Devan had used to lure Josef out. Tristan slipped out of the mansion using a secret passage that only the Whitemarch family knew, and he ran towards a stable situated outside the mansion where he acquired the horse that he used to secretly hunt with his brothers and raced to find his brothers. An hour of fruitless searching within the forest passed. He heard a scream. He was too late. Steel rang on steel. He could hear someone laughing. Fear gripped him as he stared at the direction of the noise. He forced the horse to move, and then dismounted and tried to move as stealthily as possible. As he approached the clearing, saw his brothers fighting each other with swords; but Josef was bleeding profusely from a stab wound in the back and several more cuts. It was clear Devan was toying with him. The captain of the guard was leaning on a nearby tree, smirking. Tristan doesn’t remember sneaking away from them, or how he managed to get back into his room. He’s grateful he doesn’t remember Josef’s dying scream at the very least. Devan and the captain returned hours later, where they claimed that they had been attacked by bandits and that they lost Josef as they galloped back. There would be have been suspicion if only Devan and Josef rode out and one returned, but with the captain’s testimony no one dared question the now-heir of Whitemarch. Tristan kept his tongue; he knew that saying anything would only earn his brother’s wrath and denial. The day after they found Josef’s body, Devan got an anonymous note. Meet at the smithy tonight. If you are not there, the truth will come out, kinslayer. So he went, but not without guards. Those guards might as well have been rats for all the good it served him. Tristan fired his slingshot, hidden within a secret passage in the walls of the stables where he had hid for the past three hours. People underestimate the damage that a well-aimed sling could do. The heavy lead ball broke his brother’s skull with a sickening crack, and Tristan retreated into the secret passages. It was two days before his brother died. The lead shot had cracked his skull and caused too much internal bleeding before the healers could come. It would have been more merciful had the healers just allowed him to die then and there. Tristan, however, felt a sense of wicked elation that justice had been served so cruelly. He was not in the clear however; his father found the lead shot that he used. Many other people used lead shots as well, but not many knew the castle so well as to disappear into its walls, which was what some of the guards had been claiming. His father inquired into the whereabouts of every person who knew of the secret tunnels, and only Tristan seemed to have gone mysteriously missing on the day. His father confronted him; Tristan denied it. Both the lead shot and the knowledge of the passages led back to him, he knew, but his father didn’t have any concrete proof, and he wouldn’t accuse his son unless he was sure. His father was still very, very suspicious of Tristan though; sometimes he felt as if some of the servants were watching him more intently after his confrontation. One morning his father announced that he would be joining the Queen’s Blades, unbeknownst to him. He was quickly sent off the next day despite pleading with his father to reconsider. He barely had time to say his farewells to the rest of his family. [/hider] Uh, came out longer than expected. Motivation: [i]The reason I’m here? ‘Cause lord father is an asshole, and Devan a bastard.[/i] Tristan’s only here because his father distrusts him and may think that he had killed both his brothers. That is not to say he wants all Hell breaking loose into the world. He will do his very best in the Queen’s Blades, but will always harbour bitterness because of this. ---- Stats & Traits Strength: 4/10 Agility: 5/10 Charisma: 5/10 Magical Endurance: 2/10 Fighter: 3/10 --Skill Set 1 : Slashing, one handed Sniper: 4/10 --Skill Set 1 : Slings --Skill Set 2 : Two Handed Firearms Leader: 0/10 Seducer: 2/10 (despite being bred to one day command armies, he has never been of that temperament. He was very charismatic, but has always felt more comfortable in one on one interaction than otherwise. He’s also not a seducer in the bedroom sense, as he is still a virgin, but rather in getting individual persons to trust him and confide in him.) Sneak: 1/10 Mage: 0/10 Experience Traits --Trait 1 : Charming Rogue --Trait 2 : Spray and Pray Conditions --Trait 1 : Rich Family (Though currently unlikely to inherit anything or receive help from his father) --Trait 2 : Clean Blood (yay pure blooded virgin. Lycan vampire party!) --Trait 3 : The Chosen One, Fate. Unique Kinslayer : [i]Those who spill the lifeblood of their own are cursed in the eyes of gods and men.[/i] Demons and angels know that Tristan has committed a grievous sin, and react accordingly. Tristan is more susceptible to corruption, but at the same time demons are more respectful and wary of his talents. If demons are less powerful than Tristan, they could even be afraid of him. Tristan would be able to talk to demons if they are capable of speech and if they are not, Tristan is more attuned to be able to ascertain the demon's intentions. He will gain bonuses if trying to convince them to do something for him. Should a demon be afraid of him, Tristan would gain bonuses in combat against that demon. Angels would be more wary of him and convincing them would be harder. ---- [center]Personal Section[/center] Romance: Sure! Both genders are fine, but Tristan isn’t exactly out. In that anally traditional family, he’d have to be crazy to be. Play style: Slight bias towards dialogue heavy, choice-based, complex missions! Will feel sad if all three aren’t in a story, but if even one of them is included into the story then I’ll be just as happy as if all three were. Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Yes! I think. Signature: Pseudonym hereby declares Tristan’s bound by the rules and his right to life forfeit. Edit: added unique ability. I'm not sure if demons can talk, so if they can't just ask me to change it :) Edit after approval: Added one stat point to the Charisma section because I am paranoid after seeing so many K.I.A in Brovo's post :P He will likely not be very charismatic in the early part of the game towards other characters though considering what he was recently forced to face. Also, changed his history starting from the point he finds his brothers in the woods. Tristan doesn't kill Devan immediately, but instead baits him out and kills him later on. This has one significant consequence as now his father only (strongly) suspects that Tristan did indeed kill Devan, but doesn't know it for a certainty. Hopefully this doesn't screw around with the Fate.