With the thief asleep, Penelope found her job to somewhat less stressful. She would glance over to make sure he was still sleeping but she seemed less tense. It was when her gaze happened to be looking away when he woke up. The sound of his voice made her become slightly more aware again. She turned to look over at Crow. She raised an eyebrow at his proposition and gave a small smirk. "Fine. I'm not all that interested in 'filling in the blanks' but it's quite boring just sitting here in silence so I'll play your game." she agreed giving a small nod. Now she pondered through her memories for any story worth telling. She had many different experiences but not all of them were quite that thrilling. Finally she seemed to settle on something and began to speak. "Well... It was my first true job as a knight, besides all the guard duty. As you know women are rarely ever knights. I was forced to work with these three buffoons, all newly trained like me. It was a test more or less from our higher ups. We had to figure out a way to spy on and expose this corrupt noble whom was rumored to be against the king. The leader of the mission was this man named Jonathan. He had been my rival in training when we first started out but I had long since surpassed him in skill... His father was our commanding officer though so he got special treatment." She gave an annoyed look as she spoke of Jonathan, still not fond of her former comrade. "Anyways, the fool attempted to formulate a plan of some sorts... One which involved me in a dress and winning over this noble just to get the information. Idiots didn't think I was good for anything else. So I challenged him to a fight, loser wore the dress. He accepted and he also lost fairly quickly," A gleam of pride and amusement sparkled in her eyes. "I think he made for a better woman than me in the end. We put a wig on him and a dress fit for a princess." Penelope snickered slightly as she spoke. "His plan was completely unsounded so I made a few adaptations to it. While he was busy trying to woo some noble, I had the other two knights keep on watch while I disguised myself as a servant girl and snuck into his office. I got the evidence we needed and left witout being seen. Jonathan had to suffer a bit longer before I finally decided to get him out of there." Penelope let out a small sigh and stretched her back for a moment. "I got in trouble for that little stunt though. Jonathan's father wasn't pleased and even imprisoned me for a few days... Before others found out and realized how uncalled for it was. I was transferred to the sector I'm in now after that."