[hider= Lord Jovan Zorban Athos, Ayca Firhera][center] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-lkn5yZwzm2k/UmS83kxMVDI/AAAAAAAAAHc/-Zpi-SdqI4A/s1600/131017_baldwin.jpg[/img] Jovan [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/253/4/a/paramour_by_sedone-d2yft9t.jpg[/img] Ayca Jovan Zorban Athos / Ayca Firhera Appearance Jovan: The only really noticeable trait about Jovan much more is his piercing green eyes, as much of his body is covered in white silks. Covered with a mask as he still self conscious about his appearance. The most comfortable cloth to cover him without causing much discomfort. Ayca: It is nothing but flashy as most of her clothing are in vast shades of blue in the form of a dancers attire. Jovan: Silver Face, White Fox, Cripple, Young Grandfather Ayca: Leper Lover, Lady of the Knife Jovan: Nobleman, Former Heir Ayca: Former Paramour, Bodyguard, Caretaker Jovan: Writer, Adviser, Strategist, Economic Consular, Diplomat Ayca: Warrior in a sense, Herbalist, Former Pleasure Woman Jovan 26 Ayca 24 Male and Female Personality Jovan: He has changed drastically from his younger days and his wild streak. Due to disease has forced him to adopt a simpler approach to life. His affliction has turned him to a shut in, turning him to more of a scholarly life. He hasn't lost his touch of humor over the years as he is often makes a joke at his own expense and is quick to make light of a situation that has gone sour. His humor though often provocative in nature, which most nobility find distasteful. Having lost much as the disease had taken him, except for the friendship between him and Gregar. Even if it was threw raven mostly. Still a tad careless in nature since he gave his right to rule away to his younger brother, not wanting responsibilities fear it would further hurt his health. But his kinship with Gregar would force him to choose his dear friend as he cannot stand his two younger brothers. Ayca: An odd woman to begin with as being a former pleasure woman, she deeply loved the acted and was addicted to Jovan's love interest at their first encounter. But seeing as he cannot perform, she desperately try to find ways to make him whole once more. With that and being freed from her as a whore from Jovan, feels indebted to him for giving her freedom. But as Jovan's affliction grew so did her efforts to help heal him, even dabbling in herbalism in hopes to cure him. Like Jovan, Ayca's humor is also very crude, almost like the warrior counter part of her lover. Quick to take offense to those who make light of Jovan's disease, almost to a violent degree. Even mocking Jovan himself when he makes his own jests. Underneath it all though lays a kind woman who just wants her lover to be well so that they could start a family. History Jovan: Being the first son of the wealthy Athos family never wanted for anything in his life. That being said though it only bloated a carefree figure that did what he wanted when he wanted, spending frivolously. Which to be put lightly had taxed his father so greatly that he sent Jovan to Rikard the Just, being old battlefield friend would help him curb his son to a more dignified man. Forced to leave his warm sunny home to the cold of the north, something that actually terrified him at the young age of ten. Being sent to a cold harsh place at the edge of world (so he thought) and left there to rot. Though it hadn't been all bad as he'd been lead to believe arriving at the Weade castle, he was constantly cold though. Used to the warm climate of the south, he'd been bundled in furs the weighed nearly as much as him. It was the only luxury afforded to him though as Rikard wasn't as forgiving as his own father curbing the young man to a more suitable figure. Though it wasn't Lord Rikard's doing but mostly a friendship with his son Gregar. Taking to the heir creating a lasting friendship, as the duo were complete opposites it created a bond tighter than an expert carpenter could produce. When Jovan left the north though old habits returned, not as bad as before. More tolerable at least until he came across a certain brothel on the way home. Meeting with a young woman by the name of Ayca. Which as lust over took him he became enthralled with the woman spending well over a week in her company alone and hardly slept seeing as the sounds of the carnal desires filled the brothel. At the end of the excursion though customers began to get jealous of hogging the woman to himself. Words at first were exchanged and then it turned to fists as a brawl broke out over the said woman. This peasant who had fought didn't who Jovan had been and for the fight was hung for fighting against the heir of the Falklands, but didn't know the peasant was taking care of his three children alone. With the ordeal done and gone and a fat bag of gold releasing Ayca in Jovan's service. A year later his good times came to an end as he was unwell falling into a drastic sickness, over time it started peeling at his skin. The beautiful man Jovan was falling apart in the most literal sense, trying to abstain from further degradation his father healers tried at the best to save him. Nothing worked save a tonic of sorts that helped alleviate some the pain and symptoms. At that point he'd become horribly disfigured, a wretch as he had heard commoners call him. Feeling despair and his confidence wain, hiding his face from the word. A safe haven to hide in, believing it to be a curse from his fight over Ayca. It was in that time he realized that he was in no condition to be the heir of the Falklands. Resigning it to his brother. It was in this time that his father was proud despite his many short commings, having to sign over his birth right for the sake of his own well being. But he wouldn't be totaly absent from his family's doings however, he took to the library. Nearly going threw the entire stock of books in two years time. Now though after hearing of late lord Rikards death Jovan comes to pay his respects towards his foster father and good friend of many years Gregar. Doing so in disregard of a ominous feeling falling over him. Ayca: A girl born in the slums to a father who dabbled in thievery and assassination, particularly dirty knife fighting. Providing for a daughter born to him by his dying wife. Who in part helped her father in various deeds to help steal food or whatever valuable necessity that might need to push on for another day. Perfecting her acting trade to pretend on being a helpless orphan or the dirty mouse that the local guards would try and catch, knowing very well her fathers dark trades. Though all descent things had to come to an end and hers happened to be at the turn of her thirteenth name day. He came in to celebrate the grand occasion with his daughter and for it he'd stolen a few diamonds, but in the door way he his neck had been nearly sliced in two as guards stormed their small abode. Raping her in the process, tossing her to the local brothel for the years of troubles that she'd given them. The madam effectively owning her in a near literal sense as it would be a life on her back or another raping and death by the hands of the local guard. The choice obvious. But as fortune would have it wouldn't be a long stay at the brothel until a suave and charming young man came, Jovan. As he did pay for her services, he made Ayca feel as if she hadn't been raped and at the moment in the hands of a true lover. Forgetting about her past in his arms. The man even fought to have her, propelling her affections for him. Further enhanced by the freedom he'd bought for her, effectively becoming his paramour from there on. Things wouldn't last as Jovan's supposed curse started affecting him, turning to the herbalist trade hearing and thinking that it could help cure him. But as time went on her heart for him sank, unable to fathom to lose him. The disease was terminal and as he began to stabilize, Ayca knew her lover was well beyond weak. Picking up on her father's knife fighting as she'd been taught some of it in her early years. It was dirty but she could protect him in a sense. Skills Jovan: An ingenious strategist, Gifted writer, Former dual sword master, Economic mastermind, Gifted Diplomat Ayca: Descent but dirty fighter, Poet, Calligrapher, Cook, Acting Dreams and fears Jovan: Well of course he wants to be better looking but fears that the tonic will fail and the disease will kill him. And desperately wants to be rid of his pain. Ayac: Well her top dream is to get her lover back to full health obviously, but fears for his demise since he'd be gone from the world. Leaving her helpless and away from his touch Favored equipment Jovan: He does cannot fight anymore since he is too weak to adequately wield conventional weaponry. If it comes to self defense though he can carry a dagger. Letting his former paramour Ayca be his protector. Ayca: Carries a pair of small dual daggers with a half a dozen small throwing knives. Extra Jovan has turned into an insomniac over the past year. He hasn't slept in six months. He also tend to clash in a battle of will against Lady Amber Rossric concerning strategy.[/center][/hider] Here are my additional characters