Sabre06 Military Rank: Sargent Name: Jax "Ghost Reaper" Orion Age:28 Sex:Male Appearance: [hider=Jax Orion][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Ghost Reaper][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Ghost is a quite, reserved man, Cautious and patient believing in the saying, always appear less then you are. He tends to keep to himself and speaks mostly only when necessary. Despite that he is a very compassionate and protective. It takes him awhile to truly trust people but once he does he is very loyal to his friends and would protect them with his life. On a mission he has learned away to focus on a goal and push down all emotion, his old unit used to say he went "Ghost" which is how he earned his nickname. Biography: Jax is from a military family, his family joining the military as long as they can trace back. So it wasn't much of a surprise when he him self joined. Unlike most it was a very easy transition, but Jax wanted to challenge himself. So instead of simply enlisting as a foot soldier he shot for Spec Ops. He knew it was going to be hard, the selection process alone was hard. Only a hand full out of the hundreds of candidates even being picked. After several months he was finally selected, he shipped out and was heading for some of the most grueling training there is. He went with nearly 200 initiates, out that nearly 95% of them wouldn't make it. Training was nothing like he imagined. They would be awake for nearly a week at a time, send them on ops where they would have to sleep wherever they could. Which wasn't hard considering how tired everybody was. It was designed to test there endurance and fortitude as they were put in the worst conditions they could think up, cold, heat, even low garv situations and whatever else some sick sadistic mind thought of. In a six month training process there class was reduced down to half before the end of there 2nd month. Durning that Six months even Jax had thought about quitting, though the instructors had already starting calling him the Ghost as the apparently liked to call everyone by some sort of nickname. After awhile though time started to mean nothing. They would get a few days to rest but most spent those days studying for there the test they have to take besides the physical. It seemed like it would never end, but one day it finally came. Jax and 12 others graduated and would be placed in the field. Jax moved out and was instantly put to work. Working in special forces he spent years out on the field, earth being a distant memory as it was always one op after another. After many operations though his Commander recommended him for Scout sniper. More then just his ability it was his calm demeanor and patients. His natural ability to suppress everything and focus on his goals was also noticed as in the middle of a fire fight once he "Ghosted" it was like nothing was evening happening. This also meant more training, another six months off the field. Scout sniper training was a whole new kind of battle. They were trained to operate on there own: Survival skills, moving unseen, how to spot position, build snipers nest, how to calculate how a bullet will travel over long distances. Shooting itself was less important then knowing when to shoot. They took hours ingraining muscle memory into there habits and how to survey every situation they were in. He graduated in the top ten of his class, 6th to be more specific. But he got lucky. He was assigned a new team that was almost immediately sent out. He worked in the field before he was approached, he wasn't the best shot but he was a well rounded soldier. Because of this he was selected to join the Sabre Program. Specializations: [u]Natural Ability:[/u] Survival skills Over watch Stealth Expert marksman Mechanical SKills [u]Augmentations:[/u] Augmented skin: His entire epidermal lay has been lined with a thin membrane that acts as a filter as well as oxygen abosrbers and microscopic air scrubbers. This allows him to breath through his skin as well as filter the air from contaminants protecting him from most kinds of Airborne toxins. They also link up to his Suit, measuring humidity and other environmental factors Cybernetic optics: His eyes have been replaced with cybernetic ones. This gives him enhanced optics as well as giving him multiple vision modes, to include thermal, night and night. They also link directly in the optics of his helmet and and weapon allowing him to have lest visual obstructions as the three also work together to process ranges, measure wind speed even allowing him to see how much light is on him and any other information can be scent right to him. Cerebral system Inhibitor: An Implant that allows his his mind to go a week with out sleep. By systematically shutting down qudrants of the brain it allows him not to get mentally fatigued. When need be it reactivates any parts resting so that he is back at 100%. This however doesn't erase the need for sleep, after a week he will sometimes sleep for two days or longer depending on how taxing the assignment was. Saber O6: His suit is a lightweight offering less protection for more mobility as well as linking into his own augmentations. It also contains a fluids and nutrient systems for if he has to spend long periods of time in the field with out food or water, it also has a filtration system for some, other bodily functions. His suit is a self contained environment system as well, taking readings and adjusting so that he can handle almost any enviroment.