Sel listened intently to the briefing, each bit of information was important when entering unknown territory. However the fact that they truly knew nothing about what happened worried here, almost like it had gone silent within the blink of a eye and that was a scary thought about what could have done such a thing. At least the Infamous Alto was placed on transport duty so they were at least relatively covered in terms of space combat. As the captain asked if there were any questions Sel raised her hand [color=f9ad81][b]"A few. I suspect that we are going with the normal commander structure? as in if a situation, such as a plague, arises the medical staff would take command?" [/b][/color]That was normal, she just wanted to make sure that everyone knew it since any of the sections of staff could take command at any moment, such as a technical emergency would see engineering take over and so on. Better to be ready than have them surprised when it happens. [color=f9ad81][b]"Also, do we know what we will be doing planet side if the skies are clear? Are we given a area to work within or will we be joining over ships and spreading out from there?" [/b][/color]She hoped it was the former, she didn't really like working with stuck up military types all that much.