[b]Marceline Chen [indent]8:43 PM[/indent][/b] As always, Marceline took her sweet-ass time getting ready for the big event. After Felix had dropped off her bags, she spent a good half hour lounging on the burgundy-colored bean-chair in the corner of her living space, trying to figure out why there was absolutely no reception on her phone. She couldn't understand why this heaven on earth that had everything and anything did not seem to have any connection to the outside world. But she wasn't going to question it too much. She was lucky enough to be here, and it was probably a good thing that she wasn't going to have a chance to bury her nose in the damned thing. After exploring some more, she found a sound system to connect her phone to. She pressed play on her music, and the sound filled the entirety of the space, even though she couldn't find a single speaker. [i]How fucking cool.[/i] Marceline unpacked some of her things, like her favorite heels, her makeup, and her toiletries. The rest she would leave to deal with at a later time. She showered and spent forever and a day on her makeup and hair; not because she was fussy, but because she was mainly too busy grooving to the Arctic Monkeys songs keeping her company as she primped. When she was finished, she had donned on the gown that the Wolfs had left her, figuring there would be other chances to wear the dresses she'd bought along. It was probably the most expensive thing to ever touch her skin, and probably the most gorgeous, too. The [url=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/c6/22/da/c622daeb3579ff3fd78e33eda265d11a.jpg]gown[/url] was long, black, and lacy, with a V-cut running along her back to expose the [url=http://i60.tinypic.com/zugxt5.jpg]tattoo of a feline[/url] laying just below her neck. In her heels, she stood at a whopping average of 5'6". She had drawn simple cat-eyes to accentuate their almond-shape, and on her lips was a dark, vampy wine-colored red. Her hair was in loose waves, although they looked slightly messy and tousled, as if she'd just gotten out of bed. Oddly enough, it worked for her. Unsure of what to bring, she fished out a brand new noir clutch from her luggage and packed her lipstick, her room key, a few sticks of gum, a rollerball of her perfume, and her phone (mostly out of habit). And after a last once-over in the body mirror, Marceline strutted out of her room, locking it behind her. One step was all it took for her to be acutely aware of all the bodies awaiting below. The amplified chatter, laughter, clinking, and footsteps was the soundtrack for her as she descended the stairs into the Hall. She wasn't particularly nervous or anything. In fact, dressing up - especially the way she was now - usually made her feel like hot shit. But of course there was the inevitable sensation of being the new kid on the block, emphasized by the way everyone seemed to pause their own business in order to give her their attention for a minute or two as she landed among them. Marceline flashed them a polite smile, only betraying her shyness in the way she fidgeted with her hair; pushing it back behind her ears one second and letting it fall down around her face the very next. She was offered a flute of champagne by a passing waiter and took it, grateful for something to occupy her hands as she searched the crowd for the rest of her fellow black sheep. Immediately she noticed was that it was a male-dominated blob she was currently swimming in. Not that that was a problem for her, as she was well capable of holding her own. Nonetheless, it was strange. Thinking it was best to just wait out the next few minutes before they were probably escorted into the ballroom in her little niche near the stairwell, Marci stayed put, choosing instead to do what she did best and observe them all whilst sipping on the bubbly. Everything within the room seemed to be building to a climax as the clock neared 9:00, but having kept herself away from interaction, Marceline was sort of just spacing out in her own world as she watched the Germans interact. Before she knew it the large doors into the main space were opened and the rest of the guests spilled into its mouth. She replaced her empty champagne glass on a waiter's tray and made to follow them all into the party, but was stopped by Klara's hand, which wrapped gently, yet firmly, around her upper arm. "A moment, Ms. Chen," she said ambiguously, flashing her a quick, business-like smile before disappearing again. More than a little confused, Marceline held her clutch with both hands in front of her body as the others flowed around her towards her would-be destination.