[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Outside the Cosplay Cafe || April 20 MON: After School[/h3] As the male student introduced himself, Shizuka politely curtsied, with one of her arms while the other held onto the rifle, before introducing her own self. [color=violet]"I'm referred to as '[i]Shizu-chan[/i]' in my line of work and yes, I currently serve as a waitress here. Would you perhaps be interested in a cup of freshly brewed tea, [i]master[/i]?"[/color] She flashed the signature smile shared among dozens of maid outfitted waitresses but that did not necessarily mean it lacked sincerity. While a portion of them were forced to be such, Shizuka [i]chose[/i] to be here out of her own interests. That aside, seeing as Rui approached her while at work, it didn't stop her from advertising the cafe. But she was to be cautious the next time she saw him in school as the average Shizuka if she wished to keep her identity from anyone. [color=violet]"Ah, it is not specifically a maid cafe but a cosplay cafe. You've just happened to stumble here at a maid and butler theme week, master. That is correct, it had just been recently made, about a couple of weeks ago. Being a neighbor of our capital city, Tokyo, certainly has its perks."[/color] This was indeed convenient for Shizuka here, being able to interact with her fellow "otakus" outside of the rare conventions being held in Warakuma. Working in Tokyo could have been a possibility but an unreasonable one at that, seeing as she was still a student and there was distance to be accounted for.