[@LokiLeo789] Seems good. Currently using a school computer so it's blocking the image, but I'm sure it's fine. Good to have a more upbeat character. [quote=@XLegs] I'm very interested in this. I'll have a sheet up sometime later today! Would an immortality-like power be too much? What I had in mind was a sort of super-regeneration that takes several hours to kick in, and that can heal wounds of nearly any severity, even if the character is clinically dead. (Basically , Nathan's power for anybody who's watched Misfits) So the main use of the power would be letting the character be reckless and be kind of the point man of the team, but if he suffers a significant injury, he's out of that specific fight. [/quote] A healing factor is completely fine. Go for it. [@Slypheed] Bit of a stretch on the Origins I'll admit, but you can keep it. Go ahead and post it in the character tab. Just wish I could see what all these characters look like. Stupid school computers, making me wait 'till I get home to see everyone's characters.