Somewhere on the fringes of human-explored space, a frigate went silent due to unknown complications. Most of the crew managed to get away in escape pods before the frigate crashed on a planet, but those escape pods were scattered throughout the entire solar system. On one barren moon in particular, a high-ranking official was able to send out a recorded message to all nearby radios. No one responded to his call, but his message was successfully recorded and saved to any of the still intact communications systems of escape pods, so long as they had landed on that same moon. However, that official went silent ever since that broadcast, and is presumably dead. The cause of death is unknown, and even unimportant to some, but the danger is real... [i]...something just isn't right...[/i] - <[@Kingleo], [@SilverDawn]> Your escape pod has landed some distance inside of a cave, stopped by crashing into a solid surface of dense rock. The pod's interior is quite damaged, with torn wires dangling and metal panels bending to reveal the devastated circuitry beneath. The exterior of the pod is only moderately damaged, mostly in the front, with no evident hull breaches aside from the broken windows. One of the four crew members within the pod was killed and impaled by a metal bar, while the other members were not so greatly harmed. The cavern that is housing the pod is also home to some deposits of ice and even some raw metal ores. The cave is located in the side of a vast expanse of canyon, comprised of walls lined with natural paths and dotted with other caves. Another escape pod was located at the bottom of the canyon, appearing as though it's occupants had survived and begun to salvage the pod. Boxes and piles of metal are laid out around the pod, and it's exterior hull plating is almost completely dismantled. This could be taken as a sign of hope, or as a sign of discomfort - seeing as the pod seems to have been abandoned. - <[@ArkmageddonCat], [@TheDarkTemplar], [@my Lalia]> Our escape pod crashed out in open plains, with the faint hint of mountains visible in the distance. The sun was passing below the horizon now, and a period of nighttime was just beginning. The pod is moderately damaged and missing some exterior hull panels, while the interior circuitry is completely fried. There is almost nothing of interest nearby and the nearest point of interest would have to be the distant mountains. There are some dips and ditches in the plains, with a few small craters here and there as well, but not much else. But this escape pod was different from the other, as none of this pod's inhabitants received any fatal injuries. Also, two of this pod's inhabitants are robots, as opposed to containing only human occupants like the other pod. (I shall get posts in as my own characters later.)