[@Oblivion666] "Captain it doesn't look well at all..." [b][color=a187be]"I know..."[/color][/b] "What can we do to help?" Sai tapped her chin, staring down at whatever was in the hands of her worried subordinate as they stood in front of her with a slight pout. [color=a187be][b]"Perhaps Squad Four can do something? I'm sure it'll be fine so don't worry! Just go check with them Okay? It'll be as good as new in no time!"[/b][/color] The member smiled softly as their Captain spoke, nodding their head in agreement and adding a quick "Ok!" before shunpoing. Sighing, Sai ran a hand through her hair before flicking the bouncy lilac strands behind her back. [i][color=a187be]'Poor thing... I hope Hinen can get it some help...'[/color][/i] Turning around, Sai started her ascend up the stairs of the Squad Thirteen barracks, walking towards her office. [color=a187be][i]'Ooo, a visitor! The members the Head Captain were talking about must be on their way already! Wow, that was fast'[/i][/color] Sai gained a welcoming smile as she approached the tall, grey-ish haired male that knocked on her door. [color=a187be][b]"Greetings Shinigami! You appear to be looking for the Captain of this Squad right? If so, it's nice to meet you"[/b][/color] Sai's smile grew a tiny bit more as she held a hand out to offer a hand-shake, her tone of voice her usual friendly tone.