[b]Name:[/b] Dagon [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Species:[/b] Demon [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Human Appearance:[/b] [hider=Dagon][img=http://files.mymovies.dk/Photos/6a89ef68-183c-41ee-b0c0-581ca0e06449.jpg][/hider] Even in human form, he is a beast to be feared. Standing a half foot over seven feet tall, it is famed that when he walks the very ground shakes. His weight is agreed to be something around 500 pounds of bristling muscle, iron-hard bone and fury to match any gods of Mythology. Which is why, in many mythologies, he is considered to be a god, not a demon, which he is. His head is shaven bald, and his dress code is somewhat more sloppy than it should be, although few point this out. His eyes are a fierce red. [b]Beast Appearance:[/b] [hider=White Bengal Tiger][img=http://library.sandiegozoo.org/factsheets/tiger/images/bengal_blanca1.jpg][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Angry and explosive, with a fiery temper and a knack for cruelty matched by his need for violence, never quenched. The only reason that he was placed on the council was because he was one of the oldest demons alive, and the fact that few dared stand in his way when ambition drove him to take it. Arrogant but intelligent, he knew that it was only a matter of time before the humans got in their way, and he knew that the only way to have the upper hand, and keep it, was to make sure that the humans were always reacting to their movements. Together, the creatures of the dark could hope to win. [b]Brief History:[/b] It is very possible that he forgot his own background, but the earliest that he cares to remember was when he was king of a small tribe in the middle East called the Philistines. Then was when he first took on his name and title, in the eyes of some, god, as he turned a small tribe in a war machine, taking over most of the land and then leaving when he grew bored. Taking on many names and titles as he moved along, always drawn to war and destruction. Heracles. Achilles. Mars. As the war front moved through the renaissance he acquired a taste for naval warfare, and his nickname then was Davy Jones. But when a council of the creatures of darkness came together, he saw a possibility that he had never foreseen before. The Demons, powerful as they were, were never in great numbers. But if they all united, taking over the humans would be an easy task, and he began to try and influence them to do it. But Dagon's subtlety resembled that of a club to the head, and the rest of the council members, including his own second in command, Mephistos, found him to be too extreme, too blunt and unused to the new world. Betrayal was bitter as Mephistos took him on in a bloody fight that left Dagon wounded deeply, but not defeated, as he retreated and hid from the council, silently plotting his revenge.