Sabre: S-03 Military Rank: Lt. Cmdr. Name: Rory Phayne Age: 28 Sex: Male Appearance: 6'0 ; 210lbs (95.25k) Brown hair, black eyes, carries himself with military rigidness [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]The son of Martian colonists and career military parents, Lt. Cmdr. Phayne holds himself to a high level of standards in professional and social circles. His contempt for the rebels is well known and he is outspoken about the validity of the EMAs war against the Jupiter Alliance. Bordering on zealousness, any criticism of the military behometh of the EMA is taken as near treason by Phayne. Phayne is above all loyal to the EMA and his comrades.[/indent] [b]Biography:[/b] [indent]Born to high ranking military parents, Phaynes childhood was spent with tudors and teachers while his biological parents were deployed. Eager to please his parents, he joined the military immediately after graduation. Phaynes mother was killed after a terrorist attack on Martian soil and his father was reassigned to a top-secret project. Phayne was deployed several times in the fight against the JFA and was drafted by the SABER project soon after he achieved the rank of Lieutenant Commander in the Special Forces Branch of the Inter-Planetary Navy. Many ranking officials believe Phaynes father bribed the government to pick his son for the SABER project-but this is mere speculation. [/indent] [b]Specializations:[/b] Phaynes tendency to join the thickest fighting and take orders without question were key in choosing his set of augmentations. [u]Natural Abilities:[/u] [list][*]Physical Strength and Endurance[*]Knowledge of Heavy Weapons and Small Arms tactics[*]Knowledge of small team tactics:Ship Infiltration;Special Complex Infiltration;Hostage Casualty Aversion;Classic Frontal Warfare;Classic Naval Warfare;[/list] [u]Augmentations[/u] [list][*]Muscular and Cardiovascular Enhancements for greater strength and endurance[*]Neural Numbing and Adrenaline calibration for sustained combat/stress reduction[*]Synaptic Mapping for greater reaction times[/list] [b]SABER03[/b] [indent]The S03 suit was designed and built specifically for Cmdr. Phaynes body and fighting style. Featuring energy shielding and extensive power cores, Phayne is a walking fortress. Although not as quick as his compatriots, once deployed, Phayne can bring to bear a large arsenal of firepower.[/indent] [indent]Shoulder mounted weapons like the [i]Precision[/i] LAZ-341 'PinPrik' energy based cannon and the less formidable cluster-confuser C3LTR0P_11 cluster bomb dispenser are housed in a compartment on Phaynes back. All of these weapons can be detached and deployed to small hover spheres for additional support fire; although the power source is drained quickly. Weapons vary depending on the mission.[/indent] [indent]The shielding on the wrists and head were Phaynes idea. Utilizing a form of Star-Class Naval Shielding technology, a disc of energy shielding can be deployed for short bursts of time from nodes on Phaynes suit located at the wrist, knees and top of the head (in a more elipsical shape). These shields drain the suits power core quickly and can only be used for approximately 493 nanoseconds before powering down. Software in the suits data core tracks incoming fire, and suggests a suitable shielding pattern. The software will also cut the shielding before power terminates (which could result in a full suit failure)[/indent] [indent] The whole suit is designed to be used in action-under fire with most parts operated by a series of eye-blinks and facial twitches coded to Phaynes muscle memory so he can continue to fight when using other suit systems.[/indent]