[CENTER][h3][color=#1345A9][U][B]Fuanteina, Azami[/B][/U][/color][/h3][IMG]http://desudesudesu.org/images/uploads/711291232541.png[/IMG] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pS8-7nVz6A]Theme[/url][/center] [hider=Basic Info][B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Fuanteina(Unbalanced), Azami(Thistle). [B][I]Alias/Nicknames:[/I][/B] Cyborg; [B][I]Gender:[/I][/B] Male. [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] 1913. [B][I]Age Appearance:[/I][/B] Early 20’s. [I][B]Race:[/B][/I] Human-->Plus-->Shinigami. [B][U][I]Rank & Division:[/I][/U][/B] Leader of the Kido corps and Captain of the 13th Division. [url=http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/13/14597.jpg]Additional Appearance Information:[/url] Azami is a...large individual, to say the least. With his utterly massive height of 7 feet, he tends to dwarf most in both size and weight of 252 lbs making him difficult to approach, not that many like to associate with him anyways. Rather muscular and very slow in his movement; Azami tends to take his time with everything, though he becomes impatient fairly easily. His features show a life of annoyance, the lines and creases easily revealing such on his slightly tanned countenance. He wears his captain's robes without an alterations beyond the pockets he has had tailored. Additionally, his shihakusho, instead of being held together by a sash, is strapped up with a belt that rounds his waist and leans at a slight diagonal. This belt is outfitted with a menagerie of ginto tubes containing reiryoku, and several other similarly shaped contraptions that can open at his will to release reishi particles into the atmosphere. Beyond this there are only his eyes to note, which rather than being any normal coloration appear to have been mutated by heterochromia, something he was born with. Thus both of his eyes each are a strange mixture of colors. Strangely though, and certainly due to the device that has long since replaced his heart, his irises actually appear as if they are swirling hurricane formations made from hazel, blue, and oddly even orange colorations. Additionally, there are definite 'curved arms' in his eyes, which mirror each other. These 'arms' are purple and incredibly thin, they pulsate slightly if one pays attention or looks closely. The same pulsation can be seen faintly beneath his skin, but only if one is exceptionally observant. [B][U]Personality:[/U][/B] Show Azami is a narcissist, Azami is harsh, and Azami is not a man who enjoys being tactful, or dealing with trivialities. However, what he abhors most is people who take that which is simple and twist it into something many more times complex than they should. These are the people Azami would refer to as ‘pure and unrelenting idiots’. Strangely, despite the term coming from the human world, he refers to many, though often only in private, when entirely alone, or in his own head, as ‘sophomores’ –primarily because the term translates roughly into ‘wise fools’. This is a veiled insult as it can also mean ‘acquired skill, clever device, method’ and it is often referred to as a synonym of the word ‘second’. Here is revealed his narcissism as, while Kenpachi Charis is downright insulting and unpleasant to everyone, Azami is slightly abrasive, but feels that everyone, despite their skills and what others might think, are essentially…scum. Azami, as such, is elevated above the scum and while this would make him appear to be a full-blown and rather terribly narcissistic personality, he is not because of how he thinks of himself. Essentially, Azami is confident, only slightly prideful, but at the same time appears to have nothing over average self-esteem. He will not openly brag about his abilities, his intellect being an exception, nor will he use the majority of his knowledge to make others feel insecure, stupid, or other equivalent, or worse, states of mind. One could thus say that he was kind in comparison to other narcissists, but yet again they would be incorrect. Reason being that Azami does all of these things internally, while lying, with great tact, to the face, or faces, of who he is inwardly insulting. Thus one could, if they understood a fraction of his largely multifaceted personality, call him enigmatic. This is true, but he is also eccentric, which becomes apparent to others primarily through his divergent set of morals (see ‘Azami’s Morality’ for further clarification). Beyond his strange set of morals, his eccentricity shows in his behaviors, those that are not involved with morals included. Primarily it is his habit of constantly, and often visually to some extent, working on some form of kido, or otherwise construct, that has given him a reputation for the abnormal. It does not help that his sense of humor is skewed, causing him to laugh at very little at all and more often do things that would bother or unnerve people because they are normal to him. Moving on, Azami is both moderately calm and moderately angry, all the time. It is his normal state to be incredibly annoyed with the majority of things going on, but to be fairly calm about it throughout. Surpassing this state is considered just as dangerous as angering Charis or provoking Zume, let alone the captain commander. Likely caused by his half-and-half mindset, Azami is impatient. This causes him to be almost painfully, and certainly meticulously, on time every moment and occasion possible –though he is almost never early since that’d require him to wait. Of course, when it comes to things that tick him off, well, most things do that. However, in particular are idiots, or idiocy, as well as naïve little fucks and people who believe that philosophy should be considered a legitimate science or study. On the other hand, he does enjoy philosophy as a pastime, and nothing else, which is ironically why he dislikes people who take it so seriously. [B][I]History:[/I][/B] [I][sub]All ages mentioned are literal, the soul matures fast, and then the aging process slows from there.[/sub][/I] [color=#1345A9][B]"They say there are some things that men, and I suppose women, should not see. I have seen too many of these things to return to the ludicrousness that most beings consider their norm, their average, their comfort zone. I am without one of these ‘zones’ in which comfort would be present. One could say…they could say I had stared into the abyss…and they could say that when I looked away, it was too late for me to forget the truth. For, while no one else seems aware, the abyss has long swallowed us all…and there is no escape." – [I]Fuanteina, Azami[/I][/B][/color] While none seem too aware, there is a haunted look in Azami’s eyes, a look that has done naught but intensify as his age increased. The reason for this expression, this loathing to look around the corner, to turn around, has been built, for it was not always there…for Azami was once a good, honest, and serious, but kind, man. To any with eyes, be they literal or not, it is apparent that this man is long…long dead… …but why? - - - - - Fuanteina, Azami, the name given to a small child born to a family of quincy, a family of quincy who did not live during the time of the Jurechi’s placement in Ireland. Rather, Azami was still alive when the Jurechi was located in Germany (then Germania), which was around the time that the Holy Roman Empire was at the pinnacle of its rule. As one of the ancient quincy, Azami grew up hidden from the majority of society, along with his family, where he was trained, but loved dearly. Growing up he never knew much about how the outside world was like, but his parents made sure to keep him educated and knowledgeable despite this. A good thing too, since it would have gotten very troublesome had he run away to feed his then far above genius-level intellect –for you see the ‘average’ IQ back then was incredibly low in comparison to now. What he didn’t know, was that his family were pureblood rogue quincy. So, at the age of 15 he found himself thrown into a great conflict. For while the Jurechi was indeed in Germania, it was on the border, and sensing this, his family moved as it did. It seemed that the point was gradually shifting into the Roman Empire, so despite the fear involved and the danger, they followed. Soon seeing the tyranny of Rome as apparent, him and his kin witnessed the Jewish revolt against Rome. Moving further from the conflict, but deeper into roman territory, the Quincy family followed the Jurechi’s movements. Eventually, and luckily for him, as his family was long dead, he was hidden from the attempts of the roman army in weeding out Germans during the first war with their former homeland. However, now at the age of 53, he was already old for the times. Forced to flee when his then saviors gave him away, Azami found himself tiring quickly. Finally came the confrontation and, even with his powerful and well-developed quincy abilities, Azami could not best the 30 men who then ended his life. However, despite him dying, he found that he was not truly ‘gone’ as he’d thought might happen. For, in life, Azami had never believed in the concept of gods or heaven or their like, they were ridiculous. For if there were gods, or a god, then they would surely not allow creatures like hollows to exist in the world –such was obviously not the case. Eventually sent to the soul society, and thus the Rukongai, Azami found himself in a foreign place. At first he thought he had somehow been whisked to a foreign land, as he had obviously never seen any structure, or person, of Asian descent, let alone their clothes or architecture. At first he was wary, but he soon found his interest too strong to resist and so he began mingling with the foreigners. Yet, unlike them, he remembered his life, and he remembered his first betrayal. It made him less trusting and more cautious, but he was still kind then. Being lucky enough to have appeared in the 20th district, he did not have to struggle much to survive. However, he soon found that he still required sustenance, while his comrades did not. So, with time, he procured a job of sorts selling fruits on the street in a stall. By now, like nothing at all, 50 or so years had passed. Oddly, despite this he did not age any further, and since he had been fit and very careful in life, he maintained his appearance, in fact it almost seemed to be improving. Time went on, but nothing got better. One day, it got much worse though. While standing at his stall he was confronted by some rather dirty looking men, each carrying their own brand of makeshift weapon. However, not knowing the dangers of those from lower districts, he invited the men to eat from his stall and stay the night, for they appeared frighteningly haggard. He remained somewhat wary of them, but despite their weapons they managed to be at least lightly civil with him. That was, until he refused them more food and said they could not stay any longer than the night. Thus, as he fell asleep, he found himself knocked across the head with something rough and hard, and carried in his unconscious state away from the safety of the districts closer to the seireitei and its massive walls. - - - - - Upon waking, Azami found himself on the ground in the middle of what amounted to a dilapidated ghetto. All of his possessions, excluding the clothing on his back, had been scrounged from his form, and he could feel the eyes of several peering at him from the shadows of the surroundings buildings…if you could even call them that. This, in essence, was the beginning of the end to Azami’s kind disposition. Upon the betrayal he became even less trusting, and when confronted for anything, he eliminated or incapacitated the aggressor. When he found children, he watched them for a time before he would offer them assistance of any kind, or even his temporary protection. However, around this time, Azami came upon a particular building, as he was traveling back towards the less violent districts. This building was somehow out of place to him, but only his unique senses, inherent in his Quincy blood, allowed him to detect this abnormality. For it was not the ‘feel’ of the building, but rather the strangeness behind its reishi, that intrigued him. Approaching it he was soon blocked by an unknown force, one he would one day come to call reiatsu. It was as if he were being pushed down onto his knees by a massive pressure. However, he resisted, pushing back despite himself, but soon finding he could not resist. Overwhelmed, his heart beating far more erratically than is natural, he lost consciousness. - - - - - Again he awoke in a strange place, but this time he was in a building of some kind. It took his brain some time to reorient itself and remember that it had fallen into unconsciousness. Soon, however, his conscious mind caught up and he soon remembered the strange reishi. It did not take even 5 seconds for him to realize that the building he was now within had the same reishi. He was alone, but he was bedded, he knew because he was mostly comfortable. It was at this moment that he noted the distinct tightness around his ankles, wrists, and abdomen. Raising his neck to look down himself and attempting to struggle against the forces, it was then that he found that strange glowing bands of, what appeared to be reishi, restrained him. Again, this reishi was strange and almost alien to him, but it reminded him of something. After struggling weakly for a minute or so, he gave up and let his head again fall to the pillow beneath it. He waited a time, running over his memories to try and figure out how he had ended up in this uniquely compromising position. He came up only with loose ends and useless conjecture. Then, however, he considered that the ‘force’ he had experienced when approaching the building could have been some form of defensive countermeasure. He soon found that he was right, as several individuals entered the room, eyeing him suspiciously while he glared at them with hidden wariness, confusion, and anger. This did not last long, as after several moments he found that he could hardly breathe, let alone glare at anyone. The room was filled now with a similar, but weaker, force, a force, which was increasing every moment. Soon he couldn’t even blink and his eyes began to burn. It was after that moment that a man with sleek black hair, and cunning hazel eyes, entered their midst. It was at this point that Azami nearly lost consciousness, for looking into the eyes of the man who now stood before him was like looking into the abyss, and it was truly as if the abyss looked back into him…deep into him. For the first time in Azami’s life, he was truly and completely mortified, horrified, and utterly rendered inept by what now stood before him. Watching, rendered speechless and somehow even more immobile than before, Azami’s eyes followed the figure as he walked beside his raised bed and stared down at him with what appeared to be a mixture of superiority and mild interest. Then, suddenly, the man smiled slightly, a look of amusement entering his eyes, and then the pressure was gone, just like that, and he could breath again. [color=#000000][b]“Apologies for the unpleasant welcome, but one must be careful when trying to remain under the radar,”[/b][/color] The man’s smile almost became friendly for a moment before he waved at the guards [color=#000000][b]“…release his restraints.”[/b][/color] The men complied near instantly and soon Azami was able to rise to a seated position. The man had walked to the doorway and now looked back at him, eyebrows raised, [color=#000000][b]“well? Are you coming or not?”[/b][/color] Feeling it would be unwise not to follow this man, one who had yet to identify himself, Azami rose, feeling rather stiff, and followed the dark haired man. As the two walked, the man explained to him where he was and why he’d be staying there for some time. Azami couldn’t really say he was too against it, though he found himself filled with a sense of dread by the man he now walked with. [color=#000000][b] “—of course, while you are staying here I, and my family as well, would like you to be as comfortable as possible, so please, don’t be so tense.”[/b][/color] It was at this point that the man turned to him, offered his hand to shake, and smiled benevolently. Oddly, the dread died down to only a slight wariness and he shook the man’s hand. [color=#000000][b]“I, my dear friend, am Zume Tatasuko, and this is the Tatasuko compound, and you?”[/b][/color] It took Azami a moment to catch up with the man’s change of pace, but he replied nonetheless, [color=#1345A9][b]”I…I’m Fuanteina, Azami, pleasure to meet…you.”[/b][/color] While he was unsure, Azami soon found himself swept up into Zume’s pace, as he learned alongside him. The two both trained to become Shinigami, and eventually Azami was trusted enough to be allowed to leave and return at will. Even in those days Azami took an incredible interest in kido, with a secondary interest in hakuda and zanjutsu. However, Zume took to the academy before Azami did, this of course gave Azami time to get even more ahead, in a sense. Thus, Azami eventually became decent at kido and he would’ve gotten better if he hadn’t met Elanña. The girl quickly took much of his time, as the two began courting as it would be, and so despite Azami’s near ravenous desire for knowledge, he succumbed to the wiles of youth, and of his new girlfriend. Too bad it couldn’t last, for if it had, Azami would be a much happier man today --not to mention more pleasant. A year or two after, however, Elanña fell ill and without the proper medical equipment available, thus he could not save her and so she died. This was, in essence, the end of an era in Azami’s life. For it was his grief and the world’s final betrayal to him that drove him to becoming the man we see today. His ability to trust devolved, and his kindness went with it. To bury his sadness, Azami continuously ate up the books in Zume’s library, feeding his mind as if it were a ravenous beast, hungry only for more and more information. Soon after, he joined the academy and miraculously he passed in one year. Astonishment was the only thing the seireitei could portray at this. Their ability to understand him, over the years, would not increase much. So he continued his service, now in the gotei thirteen, and because of his skills and track record, he soon had suitors. He turned them all down, no matter how smart and attractive they were, none of them were enough. Of course, it helped not at all that Azami had lost his ability to trust the world and allow him his own enjoyment. So while Zume and he had had something of a falling out, he soon became the man’s rival, rising to the position of lieutenant around the time Zume did, despite Zume having joined the gotei thirteen before him. So the two first were viewed as friends, then rivals, and finally one another’s nemesis’. Their rivalry had escalated rather quickly, but oddly despite their apparent dislike for one another. However, their rivalry (nemesisry?) was put aside when Åzami unexpectedly fell ill. The man, untrusting as he was, did not go to the fourth division, for this was no illness documented thus far. His heart seemed unable to maintain his body. Of course, this had been very soon after his attainment of bankai, and so he had ideas, but not true solution for his problem. Thus, Zume stepped in, offering his assistance and expertise, and so the two combined their abilities for the first time, not including the missions they were often sent on together due to them complimenting eachother’s abilities –despite their avid ‘hate’ for one another. It took many months, but eventually the two constructed the Ryūshi shihai gyōretsu - Bukimi kokoro, a device, which they then riskily implanted into Azami’s body, as waiting any longer would likely see the man on his deathbed and beyond recovery. Thus he became what we see today. Upon the discovery of this change, he soon came to bear the title of ‘cyborg’, which he adamantly refuses to be called, in fact if he ever hears someone call him such, they best watch their backs. This alteration led to a change in his zanpakuto, and so it took him additional time to once again master its bankai. It only took several years following this for him to rise to the position of ‘kido corps commander’ where he has been ever since. Since then, in secret, Azami and Zume had collaborated towards their ends, ends that are still widely unknown. Though, Azami appears to be the only person who knows almost all of Zume’s schemes, though this is of course always difficult to tell…. After all, Zume is an abyss, and while one may look into him, they will see only darkness. This has left Azami in an intriguing position, as while he does not entirely trust Zume, he knows he cannot outsmart him, and he knows betraying the man would likely be a fatal decision. At the same time, he largely agrees with Zume’s ideas and feels that working with him would be best for his own ends as well. Yet, something in Azami remains conflicted…perhaps the good in him isn’t dead after all.[/hider] ========================================= [hider=Equipment/Altered Physical Make-up][B]Ryūshi shihai gyōretsu - Bukimi kokoro([sub]粒子支配 行列 - 不気味心[/sub] [I]'Particle domination matrix - Macabre heart'[/I]):[/B] Put simply, Azami does not have a heart and this replaces it in addition to allowing him complete dominance over the reishi of his body and its bonded reiryoku and reiatsu. This device is one of the few that were created collaboratively between Zume and himself. It is a small sphere that, after its installment and activation into Azami's body, sent out a large amount of nerve-cell thin reishi threads. These threads weaved their way through Azami's body, connecting to his blood vessels and resonating a frequency throughout his form that allows the aforementioned effects. While this device has great upsides, it has also permanently halted Azami's ability to increase any speed-related techniques and he is actually quite incapable of utilizing shunpo or any likewise speed techniques with just his body alone. However, the frequency emitted from this 'artifact' level invention actually allows him to easily gather and control reishi, thus amplifying his zanpakuto's capabilities. This has allowed Azami to retain, and regain, a good measure of his quincy abilities thus causing his body immense stress in reaction. This is why Azami cannot move very fast and why he cannot shunpo, or rather has chosen not to learn to at all. If he were to use shunpo his body would respond in a very...negative manner. To make up for this, however, the object has instilled in him an incredible sense of self awareness, and awareness in general. This allows him to detect individuals not only by their reiatsu/reiryoku signatures, but also by the frequency which the patterns of reishi, or kishi, that make them up. This means that it is literally impossible to entirely hide from Azami unless you have a way of cloaking yourself physically as well. In addition to this Azami has a unique understanding and ability to manipulate his body's reishi. While he cannot shapeshift or the like he can easily redistribute his reiryoku and emit reiatsu at will to amplify his strikes, not to mention exert a form of pseudo telekinesis on non-sentient things that do not exceed the size/weight of around 350 lbs. Additionally, exceptionally large objects cannot be effected. Lastly it should be known that, when his zanpakuto is in shikai or bankai, Azami is VERY capable of deconstructing and breaking the bonds of reishi, as well as building new ones. Ambient reishi is easily bonded and molded to his will, but cannot be purposed like kido or the like until his shikai is active. This object is linked to his zanpakuto, which has housed itself semi-permanently in his body since he entered shikai after the implantation of this object. Last, and most important, to note is the fact that the Ryūshi shihai gyōretsu - Bukimi kokoro is the core of Azami's existence. Like a heart it will kill him if it is ever hit/damaged sufficiently, but unlike a heart if such is done he will never reincarnate and his soul will die and fade away in its entirety. This is because the Ryūshi shihai gyōretsu - Bukimi kokoro has pulled the entirety of his reiryoku into its form, as it was intended to, meaning that Azami cannot die unless this is destroyed, not completely at least. However, if his body were to be entirely destroyed, or damaged, a new one would have to gradually rebuild itself around the core, likely from ambient spirit particles. In battle, or otherwise, he can be damaged, but this damage will heal. As a downside he cannot be healed by normal kido at all. However, he does heal, though slowly, at an increased rate to most spiritual beings, or otherwise. In battle, this capability is slowed due to the consumption of energy in other parts of the body thus causing this healing factor to only be apparent to minor wounds like surface burns or the like.[/hider] ========================================= [hider=Capabilities][b][i]Immense Reiryoku(3/4):[/i][/b] Azami's reiryoku is considerable, while not being the max, and this has allowed him a fair amount of stamina. It helps that his zanpakuto actually requires very little reiryoku in its shikai, though his bankai is an entirely different case. [b]Unremarkable Reiatsu(1/4):[/b] Though his control of reishi is incredible, if not legendary, the reiatsu he emits is really only at a fairly normal level for a captain-level individual, not going beyond much of anything. However, his control of his reiryoku/reishi allows him to focus this exerted pressure considerably. [b]Legendary Kido Power(5/4):[/b] One of the two fulcrum points of his abilities, Azami, the kido-corps commander, has complete control over his kido, and anything similar, which is actually why he is so able in controlling and manipulating the power's of his zanpakuto. [i][b]Zanjutsu Master(3/4):[/b][/i] Like many captains, Azami is fairly skilled in the realms of zanpakuto, allowing him to hold his own in a weapon-to-weapon exchange. Oddly, it is not quite his swordsmanship that makes his dangerous, but rather it is the synchronicity with which he melds hakuda and zanjutsu. In particular, Azami's style revolves around deflection of attacks at some times with the blade (only when absolutely necessary) while striking out with the sword at high speed, but defending primarily with his body. [b]Impressive Offense(3/4):[/b] When it comes to offense, it is two his blade that he relies, oddly, and it is a fairly impressive offensive front he can take too. Many are rather off-put by Azami's unique fighting style due to how utterly untraditional it is. This causes almost anyone who fights him to be thrown off to a degree by his utterly bizarre method of battle. [b]Average Defense(1/4):[/b] While his defense is incredibly low, Azami always understood that being entirely unable to defend against weapon-based assaults (with his own weapon that is) would make him incredibly...well, useless in combat. Thus, he has allotted a small amount of time towards becoming at least 'okay' in his ability to defend. While he is not very good at blocking, he can counter/parry fairly well. [b]Poor Physical Strength(0/4):[/b] While he is capable of swinging fast and making deft offensive maneuvers with his blade, he is entirely incapable of winning in a clash of weapons due to his lack of strength in the muscles that focus on wielding his blade. [i][b]Hakuda Master(3/4):[/b][/i] Azami's skill in hakuda is at the same level as his skill in zanjutsu, except...not, because of his focus in it he is actually considerably better at it than he is in zanjutsu. While he has essentially shunted his offensive capabilities, his defense, and physical strength, are rivaled only by several individuals in the gotei 13, not to mention the espada. This allows him to defend himself against most assaults through countering, disarming, breaking bones, tearing ligaments, and essentially downright turning his opponent's strength and momentum against them entirely. Azami's fighting style has been described as fatally defensive, but not for him, for his adversaries. It is truly something that one would have to view to understand. [b]Unremarkable Offense(1/4):[/b] Similar to his lack of defense in the area of zanjutsu, Azami has not trained to attack with Hakuda, at least not very much. However, while he lacks in actual skill in this field, the sheer physical strength with which he hits entirely makes up for it. Bottomline, feel free to underestimate his 'ability' to hit you, but NEVER feel that you can shrug off one of his hits, because instead of shrugging, you will find your shoulder permanently immobile. [b]Incredible Defense(4/4):[/b] Unlike the defense of his zanjutsu, the defense of his hakuda is vastly different, and while it is referred to as 'defense' it is not entirely so. What this means, is that while Azami's defense does indeed keep him from harm primarily, this is not its entire purpose, rather its other purpose is to disable the enemy. It is not necessarily through brute force that this is done, instead it is through deft skillful movement and timing, mixed with only the necessary amount of physical strength. Whatever gets the job done really. [b]Legendary Physical Strength(5/4):[/b] In short, Azami is physically strong in essentially all senses. This is caused primarily by his born physique and secondly by the fact that he has trained himself to near perfection. [i][b]Kidō Legend(5/4):[/b][/i] Not only is Azami capable of every known kido, he has great potential for devising new formula and the like. This is likely due to his extensive knowledge base. It should be noted that his zanpakuto is more or less considered a part of his body and is thus equally capable of casting kido, though it must be at his command. [b]Incredible Knowledge(4/4):[/b] Azami's knowledge lies in the areas of kido, reishi, and reiryoku. He understands reiatsu by extension, but his understanding of Kishi is much lower. Additionally, he has some knowledge of the physical body and its weak points, allowing him to gain leverage and manipulate a person's momentum by redirecting strikes. This adds on to his extensive research into martial arts, research which he still conducts to this day. [b]Incredible Intelligence(4/4):[/b] Azami, to be put lightly, is very very intelligent. His memory is incredible, but not perfect, allowing him to recall details he has written, or studied after 1 or 2 look overs. He can also multitask like no other, which is largely how he is able to function in combat with his zanpakuto, as otherwise he'd be unable to fight and utilize its abilities at once without creating massive openings due to him being unable to remain aware of his surroundings and the like. He also dabbles in philosophy, and while he knows a fleeting amount of psychology, he has lost interest in how people act due to his beliefs. Poor [i][b]Yet to Learn Hohō(0/4):[/b][/i] Put simply, Azami is totally incapable of flashstep. He has studied it and if his body allowed such, he could preform it (in theory), but as is he is incapable. [b]Incredible Mobility(4/4):[/b] While he is unable to preform shunpo, Azami has developed his mobility to make up for this fatal flaw, thus allowing him incredible agility, finesses, and speed in his movements. This makes his ability to evade in close-range combat quite high while his defensive skills pick up the rest. Reir: 3(mod2)=5 Zan: 3(mod3)=6 Hak: 3(mod3)=6 Kid: 5(mod2)=8 Hoh: 0(mod1)=1 Total T(0): 15-1(14) Total S(0): 26+5+1(33). [B][I]Zanpakuto Spirit Personality:[/I][/B] Kind, seductive almost, and incredibly understanding, Mukei Oshaburi is a very softhearted spirit. Entirely unlike its counterpart and master, Mukei would help anyone it could if ever given the chance. In fact, the empathetic nature of the spirit has caused Azami to entirely disallow it from manifesting itself without his express permission. [B][I]Zanpakuto Spirit & Inner World:[/I][/B] Azami's inner world is an ever-changing plane of creation and destruction. It is cyclic, but it is never the same. This locale, upon being initially entered, is always perceived as being totally white or totally black as if it were some form of purgatory. However, the senses soon adjust revealing to the beholder that the location is neither black nor white, but rather is a constantly shifting locale of reishi, many streams and flows of the pure formation moving about, bonding, and breaking constantly. His inner world can easily be described as both serene and tumultuous, as it is always changing, but always gives off the feel of peace and serenity. Mukei, his zanpakuto spirit, is typically visible only after the initial 'white/black' effect fades from perception. While Mukei too can shift its appearance at will, its favored form is that of a massive ocean green sea serpent, possessing six eyes and numerous glowing orbs visible through its partially translucent skin. [B][U]Sealed State:[/U][/B] The 'sealed' state of his zanpakuto is perpetually 'incomplete' in its appearance as while there is indeed a blade at his right hip it is in no way entirely whole. This is easily seen when the blade, its tsuka wrapped in black and light blue cloth with a foot long cloth dangling off its form, is unsheathed. As its tsuba is seen, the blade gradually exiting its embroidered sheath, a pattern of 8 interlocked and unfilled diamonds is noted, appearing almost as if a snowflake were molded to the blade as its guard. While this would initially appear completed, this is not so as if one looks closely this pattern has been, or so it would seem, broken into existence, as if someone had intentionally cracked portions of the hilt. The blade is in similar 'disrepair' appearing with many jagged edges and a discolored tint of red and off-blue colors in its grain. This reveals what appears to be the entirety of Mukei Oshaburi's sealed state. However, such is not the case. Within its master's body lies a single fragment of the weapon, appearing as a stylized diamond. This diamond is actually within Azami's brain and connects quite well with his false heart and likewise reiryoku/soul core artifact. Additionally, there are strange blue-green markings all over Azami's body, mostly his arms, chest, and neck, that are imprints of the rest of the blade. These are, in essence, the sealed form of Mukei Oshaburi. [B][U]Shikai:[/U][/B] With no movement or preamble other than the grasping of his blade's grip, Azami would state, [color=#26BAC4][B]“Dominate the world's essence, Mukei Oshaburi([sub]无 形おしゃぶり[/sub] [I]'Spiritual Pacifier'[/I]).”[/B][/color] In response the rest of the blade, tsuka and tsuba included, dissolves into light blue reishi particles. The markings on Azami's body glow fiercely and his eyes light up with the same blue intensity, colors shifting slightly, but otherwise remaining the same. On his forehead a symbol gradually becomes apparent, appearing as a blue diamond that glows even from beneath any of his obscuring hair. Additionally, the reishi of his former weapon flows onto his hands and arms. This reishi eventually forms clawed gloves and armor over his hands, arms, and ending just before his shoulders. There are small holes pockmarking the armor and its coloration is green, white, and the same light blue. The armor, unlike its original incarnation, also possesses purplish pulsating threads that zigzag beneath the surface of its form. Two tones can be heard after the release of his shikai, both resonate together and harmonize, increasingly in intensity, but not volume. They start at a whisper and remain there, but become gradually more apparent, somehow, without increasing their volume. This concludes the release of Azami's shikai, though it is not the form his zanpakuto originally took, it is the one it now dons. [B][I]Abilities:[/I][/B] The shikai of Azami’s zanpakuto is a complex and deadly effective thing. Its passive, and only initial, effect is the ability to gather loose reishi and, like a quincy, subjugate it to the will of its master, Azami. This is achieved by the frequencies emitted by the zanpakuto’s armor-like physical appearance. Additionally, Mukei Oshaburi is capable of dominating the bonds of pre-established structures of reishi via contact with some portion of the structure. This ability, in both its passive and active states, is referred to as Narihibiku Kōwa. While this is the primary ability of Azami’s shikai, and zanpakuto as a whole, it is surely not its sole. Expanding from Mukei’s ability to pacify and store reishi, the armor is outfitted, if such a term can be used, with several unique functions beyond the manipulation of the gathered reishi. The foremost of these abilities is known as Den’i kessei-ka. This ability allows Mukei oshaburi to store reishi, as well as its bonded reiryoku and reiatsu, as well as release it in a myriad of ways through the armor of its form. This has thus allowed it to be something of blanket ability. Last among Mukei’s shikai abilities is Mukei keishiki, which allows Azami to, in shikai state, release reishi that has been affected by Narihibiku and subsequently give it definite form. This reishi can enter any known physical state, but the bonds that make up these formations are generally weaker than those of normal objects. For further details, see his techniques. [B][U]Techniques[/U][/B] [U]Narihibiku kōwa([sub]鳴り響く講和[/sub] [I]'Resounding Pacification'[/I]):[/U] Tl;dr version of this is simply that it allows him to gather, manipulate, and alter the state and function of ‘gathered’ reishi. Free reishi is passively gathered upon release into shikai, while pre-established reishi (in the form of structures and other inanimate things) cannot be gathered without direct contact and time, which varies depending on the size of the structure/object. All reishi has some measure of reiryoku in it, while reishi from structures will have more than free reishi will.[hider=Full Description]As described in the base ability, this technique allows Azami to dominate and absorb reishi into his zanpakuto’s shikai state, and eventually bankai state. However, there is much more to this technique. When coupled with Mukei keishiki and also due to the physical modifications that Azami has made to his own body, this ability allows him to actually cause reishi to generate, and contain, a relatively small amount of reiryoku per reishi particle. However, when these particles are gathered en mass, which they happen to be in this case, they end up having a fairly potent amount of reiryoku, an amount that rises every moment his shikai is active. This, along with the two tonal frequencies emitted by his zanpakuto, allow him to freely manipulate the reishi his zanpakuto dominates as well as its linked reiryoku, even allowing him to generate limited amounts of reiatsu from the allotted reiryoku. In essence this means that he can fortify and alter, to an extent, the structural integrity and general strength, not to mention durability, of the reishi particles under his jurisdiction. In shikai this merely allows him to alter how durable and resilient his reishi is, as well as activating the offensive and defensive portions of Den’i kessei-ka. It should be noted that this technique is a constant drain on Azami’s reiryoku, though the drain is relatively small, reminiscent of a quincy’s reiryoku drain when gathering reishi. Lastly, Narihibiku kōwa’s ability to destabilize, and thus destroy, the bonds of pre-established reishi structures can only be activated via physical contact, as noted. However, the less time contact is maintained, the less reishi is taken from the structure. In shikai, Azami cannot control which reishi particles of a structure, or area, his zanpakuto dominates, but in bankai he can manipulate such with fair ease. This process is much slower than the passive capability, but has a larger yield of reishi and reiryoku when carried out entirely. Destabilizing, dominating, and absorbing the reishi/reiryoku that makes up something the size of a 2x2x2 cube would take around 3 minutes in shikai, but half that in bankai.[/hider] [U]Den’i kessei-ka([sub]電位活性化[/sub] [I]'Potential activation'[/I]):[/U] Tl;dr version of this technique is simply that it allows Azami, through Narihibiku kōwa and Mukei keishiki, to form various ‘potentials’ or ‘forms’ directly (for the most part) off of the physical form of his zanpakuto.[hider=Full Description]This technique is primarily capable of forming blades, similar to ‘hidden blades’ but of varying length and width, as well as shields and projectiles from the armor. Azami often refers to these as ‘projections’ and they are the primary combat application of his zanpakuto. These blades exit around 3 inches down the forearm from the elbow and can extend up to four feet out parallel to the his arm(s). The ‘potential’ for these blades is released when Azami runs his middle and pointer finger from the center of his forearm (bottom) towards his wrist. This action must be done only once. Retracting and extending the blade(s) following this action is a matter of his will. Moving on from the blade, Den’i kessei-ka is capable of projecting a shields WIP[/hider] [U]Mukei keishiki([sub]无形形式[/sub] [I]'Spiritual Formatting'[/I]):[/U] Note: This technique allows Azami to, in shikai state, release reishi that has been affected by Narihibiku and subsequently give it definite form. This reishi can enter any known physical state, but the bonds that make up these formations are generally weaker than those of normal objects. [hider=Full Description][/hider] [B][U][I][URL=]Bankai:[/URL][/I][/U][/B] [B][I]Abilities:[/I][/B] [B][U]Techniques[/U][/B] [U]([sub][/sub] [I]''[/I]):[/U] [U]([sub][/sub] [I]''[/I]):[/U] [U]([sub][/sub] [I]''[/I]):[/U] [U]([sub][/sub] [I]''[/I]):[/U] [/hider]