[b]Oliver Batch[/b] [@Dahlia Hawthorne] Those that know Mimi know that to be around her is to expect a harsh discussion. Oliver never fully understood the reason for her standoffish nature or brash tone of voice, but he had never seen it as any different than peoples fake friendly ways that ran rampant through the halls of the school. You always knew where you stood with Mimi, and if you didn't for some reason she would make it crystal clear if you any hesitation. "Any interest in grabbing some time in the library this afternoon after the match? Should be pretty free since everyone else is either wallowing in defeat, partying because of victory, or more likely heading into Hogsmeade to ignore the game?" Oliver's tone was very casual. Almost like he was more thinking aloud rather than actually asking a question. Looking around the great hall he saw plenty of the usual suspects. The large number of sixth years was a nifty counter to the small number of 7th years. Perhaps their year was more academic or for whatever reason just wanted to extend their time at Hogwarts a few more years. Oliver had assumed it was the second option since so many of them were on their houses quidditch teams. Oliver had joined the team for one year, but stepped down since he was leaving on another study abroad the next year. Since then he had enjoyed the games as a spectator. The love of competition was more that drove his interest rather than invested in the actual specifics of the sport. "Wait isn't it your house playing today? Or am I mistaken?" Olive was now actually asking Mimi a question. One he knew she would know considering her fandom of the sport.