[h2]Nick Hornhill[/h2] Ever since Darius opened his big mouth, the only thing Nick wanted to do is Stupefy him to death. Fortunately, the breakfast was delightful, and his tummy still rumbling, so he busied himself with his bread and bacon instead. Although confident with their current standing against their next opponent, Nick felt a bit bothered. "Yeah well, Ravenclaws are known for their well coordinated offense, they can sneak through even in the thickest defense of the opposing team. They're not even quick with their brooms, they just simply distract and then attack. Although strong, they are extremely weak with defense. You can be sure a few bludgers coming their way, it'll send them scampering about the field." Nick paused to swallow his food, "But the real threat is their Seeker, that Wade dude. Keen eyes, quick, and he's got a bunch of tricks under his sleeves. We should definitely watch out for him." Of course Nick can watch their hoops. He has given the Slytherins a hard time making points the last time, or at least before they catch the Snitch. He can definitely do it again. He's been pushing himself every practice, and he'll be prepared. But if Ian could catch the Snitch before Wade, so much the better. And then 'plop'. "What the -" Nick almost jumped out of his seat. Something wet and soft hit his forehead, once, twice, all hitting the same spot. The fruits plopped noisy down to his lap. Annoyed, Nick scanned the crowd for the culprit, and then he saw him, seated with a blonde girl, a grin etched on his face. "Damn you, Ian!" Nick muttered under his breath. Nick stood, fished his wand inside his bag, and then raise it above his head so Ian can see. He swished it once, flicked it twice in front of him, and then he traced a perfect circle in the air. Although he didnt say the right incantation (not that he knows it), he heard a few gasp, sniggers, and disapproving tuts around him. The gesture was meant to be rude. It was used to cast a certain insignia of some dark wizard once, some dude called Lord Moldybert, or something, Nick couldnt remember. But most people use the gesture now to insult someone, the equivalent of the muggle middle finger gesture. Nick knew that it would amuse Ian more than making him feel insulted. Pleased with himself, Nick sat down again, then started to attack his last piece of egg and bacon. [@Asuu][@KillBox][@hatakekuro]