[center][h3]Warakuma Mall - Outside Cosplay Cafe 20/4/2015 Monday[/h3][/center] Rui hadn't really been in his share of cafes like these, since they were always quite expensive, but seeing as he was here now... He looked around a little before responding to Shizu. She went right back into work mode after he changed the topic though, the adaptability was remarkable... This is the kind of person that was used to changing their... Sides, so to speak. [color=slategray]"Alright then, I guess I could use something to eat"[/color], he agreed to go in. There wasn't much else he was planning to do today. There was plenty of time left in the day, so he could check this place out before going off and idling the day away with something else. He waited to be shown into the cafe by Shizu.