[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/pOJqdQK.png?1[/img][/center] [color=0076a3][b]Name:[/b][/color] [b]Mez[/b] [color=0076a3][b]Age:[/b][/color] [b]28[/b] [color=0076a3][b]Race:[/b][/color] [b]Visipian[/b] - [i]The Visipian race, otherwise known as The Silent Empire, are primarily a Religious-Extremist race, lead by a Stratocratic Government of Cybernetically Augmented Beings, who are commonly referred to as the Eternal Lords. Their sole mission as an Empire is to convert all other beings of the Universe to live under the rule and religious guidance of their dormant deity; The AllHeart. To achieve this mission, the Government, supported heavily by the entire population, impose a completely militarian lifestyle upon all beings within the Empire’s control. Through this tradition, spanning thousands of years, the Empire has evolved into an Advanced Military Power. It is by utilizing this Military Power as well as the Divine Energy Source of Jurichara (Mantra), granted to them by The AllHeart, that they have resolved to converting the Universe to follow their One True God. Failure to submit to The AllHeart’s rule will result in Conversion of the rebellious nation; A painful disintegration process that converts matter into Jurichara.[/i] [color=0076a3][b]Crimes:[/b][/color] [i]Desertion, Political/Civilian Assassination, Intergalactic Subterfuge, Sabotage, Trespassing & Terrorism.[/i] [color=0076a3][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [i]Confident. Egotistic. Sarcastic. Calculating. Anarchist. Prideful. Mez is a law unto himself, he follows no rules or laws, no moral or ethical guidelines and bends the knee to no one. At least, not any more. He is confident in his abilities and hires himself out more to constantly test them, than as a way of earning money. During his missions, he constantly belittles people or systems that are below his skill level. If he can get passed it with ease then it is no more than a trivial matter and not really worth his time. Despite being this way, however, he is loyal to the mission and will do everything in his power to see that it is completed with success.[/i] [color=0076a3][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [i]- Expert Infiltration Specialist - Expert Small Arms & Weapons Proficiency - Skilled Computer-Based Systems Engineer - Proficient Acrobat - Experienced Hand-to-Hand Combatant[/i] [color=0076a3][b]Non-standard Abilities:[/b][/color] [b]Shadowstep:[/b] [i]Invoking the divine energy of Jurichara, given to every Visipian by The AllHeart, Mez may at will, change into a smoke-like shadow form to camouflage himself. In this state, Mez is extremely hard to spot. After around two minutes, his form begins to solidify where he starts to become visible once again.[/i] [b]Cybernetically Augmented:[/b] [i]Every Visipian undergoes cybernetic augmentation from birth to enhance their physical abilities and ensure a legitimate system of control. Aside from enhancements to bone structure, muscle tissue and vital organs, which improve their physical strength, speed and durability, the Visipians are fitted with a Direct Neural Interface which allows them to insert their minds into machine software or, more intrusively, receive software that may control their minds. Whilst the majority of the population do not require these measures, when the DNI's are implanted, a sleeper software is downloaded into the receiver's brain that, upon activation, can render that person completely under the control of the software owner. Which, in this case, happens to be the Visipian Government.[/i] [color=0076a3][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [b]Rasgrid's Retribution:[/b] [i]Dual Mantra-Infused Energy Pistols designed to recycle and compress latent Jurichara Energy that lingers throughout the cosmos, then forcefully expel the heated energy through a reinforced pistol-based mechanism which fires the energy as super-heated projectiles. These are Mez's mainstay weapons. He reaches for these first before anything else and utilizes them expertly and efficiently. They were awarded to him for his outstanding service during his time as a Visipian citizen. The pistols each possess their own name. One being Osebon and the other being Ahael.[/i] [b]Xerxes' Silence:[/b] [i]A singular 10-inch curved combat blade. The blade is forged from Visipian Steel, a highly versatile material that is renown for its incredible cutting ability. It's name comes from the unnatural property is possesses. The blade, when slicing through any material, doesn't make a sound. This property makes it the perfect weapon for any assassin. Mez was gifted this by the Eternal Lord Xerxes himself for his constant bravery and unparalleled success during his time as a Visipian citizen.[/i] [b]Rosenthal's Blessing:[/b] [i]This is less of a singular object and more of a series of upgrades performed on his standard issue Cybernetic Augmentations. The Eternal Lord Rosenthal oversaw the upgrade procedure personally, which resulted in Mez receiving a noticeable boost in his cybernetic abilities as well as the addition of the highly-coveted Jurichara Energy Shielding. With only two other Visipians receiving this blessing before him, Mez was vaulted into Visipian knighthood. The shield itself protects the user much like a power suit would with the exception that it remains non-visible until the need for it arises. While it may certainly stop series of bullets or energy shots from small arms fire, it would surely dissipate from a high-powered rifle shot, although the user would remain mostly unharmed during dissipation. In this event, the user will need to enter a deep state of meditation to gather enough Jurichara to re-power to shielding.[/i] [color=0076a3][b]Bio:[/b][/color] [i]Born as the son of a traitor, Mez was practically abandoned as a child after both of his parents were executed for treason. He was doomed to spend his life in a juvenile camp, destined to grow up being the lowest class of citizen within The Silent Empire. However, Xerxes, one of the Eternal Lords, took pity on him and ordered Mez to be relocated to his private estate. Xerxes would raise him as his own son. Mez grew well and, under the tutelage of an Eternal Lord, he excelled through the ranks of the military with ease. By the time he was 16, Mez was transferred to the Elite Forces section of the Visipian military specifically joining as a member of the V.I.R.U.S. Squads (Vacuum Insertion Raid Under Siege). This raid is a Ship-Boarding battle tactic. Each soldier is projected via an Insertion Pod, usually from a battleship or larger-class ship and are aimed towards an enemy spacecraft. The pods are controlled mainly by automated systems but also provide a manual override for the soldier inside to control, once the pod reaches the opposition’s ship, it begins to latch itself onto the hull and proceeds to burn its way through the armour plating, effectively creating its own docking station. Whilst burning through the hull, the pod secretes an organic membrane that seals the breach, preventing the vacuum of space from tearing the ship apart. When the pod has burnt through to the inside of the ship, the front of the pod will open, allowing the person inside to exit onto the enemy ship. From there the Elite Forces soldier can proceed to exact any mission objectives they have been given, ranging from sabotaging weapon systems and engines, to complete capture of the enemy vessel. Mez proved himself repeatedly on each mission and eventually his name started to become well known. The son of the Eternal Lord Xerxes was fast becoming a hero within the Visipian ranks. At the age of 21, Mez was honoured by the Commander of the Visipian Fleet & General of all Military Operations; The Eternal Lord Rasgrid. She bestowed upon him her personal energy pistols and issued him with the new rank of Warmaster. With this new rank came the opportunity and the honour of new and dangerous missions. These missions typically consisted of Assassinations, Sabotage and the retrieval of highly sensitive information by any means. It was after the success of his first mission, the assassination of a decorated military general on board a capital-class warship, that Xerxes gifted him with a specially made blade to assist him in his future missions. Up until he was the age of 25, Mez's life had been an unexpected story of success. He had attained the highest, most revered rank that the Visipian military had to offer. He was a Champion of Visipia. His deeds were legendary, there were statues raised on Planet Visipia, the Homeworld of The Silent Empire, in his honour. The population adored him and he adored them. For Mez, he could think of no higher honour than to be a Champion of his people. The Eternal Lords, however, had one last blessing. They were going to grant him a Lordship. He was to become the thirteenth member of The Eternal Lords and live the rest of his life as as a King. But it wasn't to be. Merely days before his inauguration, Xerxes revealed the truth about his real parents and how he had come to live such a fortunate life. When he heard the news, Mez was devastated. His entire life, everything he had achieved had been a lie. At first he was too shocked to even think, let alone speak. But soon anger began to rise within him and it quickly turned to rage. Before he knew it, Mez was acting without thought. He struck his adopted father down, the resulting noise alerted the honour guards outside of his quarters who saw Mez standing over the injured Eternal Lord. Immediately, the alarm was sounded and the warrant for Mez's arrest announced. He was wanted for the attempted murder of an Eternal Lord and Treason against The Silent Empire. He escaped capture by hijacking Xerxes' personal ship and warp-jumping to the edge of Visipian space. Once he had reached the outer edges of his people's territory, he set a course for the farthest side of the galaxy and put himself into cryosleep. When he awoke, he had arrived at a bandit-owned outpost where he began his life as a mercenary for hire. [/i] [color=0076a3][b]Quote:[/b][/color] [i]"I have one rule: [u]No questions[/u]. 'Cause as far as you or anyone else are concerned, I'm just a guy who gets shit done. And I'm pretty fucking good at it too...make sure you tell 'em that bit."[/i]