[img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/263/b/b/schloss_klein_by_eisblume-d6n2kpm.jpg[/img] On top of the hill in the middle of a forest people say there's an old hotel, abandoned, much in the same way as its guest. Who has lost their lives in many different but all the same cruel end, but they get a second chance, not at life but close enough for most. For when the dead right their name onto the logbook their ethereal bodies become flesh for the time they stay in the hotel. Which is different from one person to the other, but they have only so much time. Will these wayward souls find what they need? Or will they simply live the life that was taken from them? We'll have to wait and see. [hr] So there's my idea for a roleplay, the characters are ghost with a second chance for life or justice, it's up to the players to decided on that matter, but I hope you are interested in this idea and will post the rules soon! But I will post the CS now! [hr] Name: (Self explanatory) Age: (How old your character was before they died, Please nothing under 12) Living Appearance: (How your character looked alive/living state after they signed the logbook) Ghost Appearance: (How your character looks as a ghost/can be forced to look like this if they are angry or wnats to look like this) Personality: (Did they stay the same after death or did they change a lot after death?) Reason for staying at the hotel?: (Second chance? Vengeance? Want to say goodbye?) Cause of death: (Self Explanatory) Ghost ability: (Powers one has a ghost, i.e, Moving things with your mind, cutting the power off with one's mind, ghostly things, also unique powers related to one's death, like control over water if they drowned or fire manipulation if death by fire)