[@Pie Flavor][@Oblivion666] [Center][h3][b][color=177245]Nishi Matsuro[/color][/b][/h3][/center] Nishi nodded at Nene who had decided to lead the way, which was likely the best thing as Nishi would likely end up getting them lost somehow. Yet the garden area wasn't far and after a small walk they arrived, Nishi stood there smiling as she looked at the beautiful flowers "[color=177245]It's all so beautiful~ And it really is relaxing...I really don't come here as often as I should~[/color]" Nishi walked into the garden area, then she walked up to the pond and crouched down, leaning forward slightly to see what there was...however she had failed to realise that she was still edging closer and closer, getting to the point that she'd soon fall in...