[i][color=f6989d]Annaveya Kushrina[/color][/i] - [u]The Northern Cross[/u] Her lips curled into a satisfied smile as the Pirate agreed to accept the opportunity for survival that she had set before him. Success was always a wonderful thing to enjoy, and by any measure this man might have been insane; but he was certainly no fool. When he asked if he would possess the chance to thrive, the smile faded ever slightly. For now she had only a long prison sentence planned for him instead of a premature death after she no longer needed his services. However, he didn't need to know that. Asking for his clothes then, the Kushrina Mercantile Naval Commander snapped her fingers just once. At her command, two things happened. First the door creaked open to allow her absolute leviathan of a companion inside the prison chamber. Genie was her name, and Anna's nails lightly scratched the space between the Direwolf's ears. A crewmember poked his head inside, a recently demoted intelligence officer no less as a nervous inquiry came from him. [color=7ea7d8]"Yes ma'am?"[/color] [color=f6989d]"Lieutenant, find this man's clothing. [i]Strike Team One[/i] will have taken them and searched for any contraband. Bring everything to me, as each article of curiosity will be questioned. Maintain his weapons in the Armory for now, but I believe we've found your replacement."[/color] The younger Lieutenant glared furiously at Edoric for a moment, absolutely disgusted with the fact that such a ragged, unprofessional appearing man was going to take his spot. His glare however, was interrupted by the rapping of the silky hand of his commander next to his ear; causing him to jump as he was met with a harshly critical glare from Anna. [color=f6989d]"Hurry up now. I'd rather not see me forced to have you lose another rank in front of your peers."[/color] The Commander stated with a subtle impatience marking her lips. [color=7ea7d8]"Y-Yes ma'am! Apologies."[/color] He darted away then, leaving Annaveya's focus to return to Edoric as the door was latched shut once again. For a long moment, her fingertips idly scratched the back of Genie's ears down unto the thick scruff of the Direwolf's neck. Assembling her next thoughts, the absolutely vicious Captain stopped the ever satisfying scratching dealt by her nails unto the massive hound. [color=f6989d]"Ah yes, now that we have a little bit of quiet. Edoric Thatch, meet Genie. She is my loyal Direwolf, and she practically holds an almost equivalent rank to a Lieutenant Commander on my Ship. Tread lightly around her, her eyes and nose don't ever miss a thing."[/color] Lingering upon that last word for a moment, Annaveya folded one satin leg over the other and rested her arms upon them, leaning forward to look at Edoric. [color=f6989d]"The opportunity before you is this. My intelligence assets on the ground have proven them unreliable too often as of late. While I consolidate those issues and eliminate them, I hereby request your assistance in locating, identifying, and eliminating Pirates. Their threat while minimal to my fleet, is still viable to my mercantile sections. The greater measure by which you assist me will be given with greater reward. So, depending on [i]your actions[/i], you [i]will[/i] be granted a chance to thrive.[/color] Her continued detailing of her offer was interrupted with the opening of a door a second time. In bustled the unhappy Lieutenant, settling a pile of neatly folded, repaired, and cleaned clothing beside Edoric. Then, a burlap bag beside that of Annaveya full of various items and knick knacks were set beside the Captain. She stood as the door slammed shut again, and she unsheathed a knife from the back of her waist. Holding up the hand signal for Genie to remain still, the Captain strode across the short distance to Edoric. Reaching up with her knife, the tightly bound ropes that held Edoric's wrists and ankles fastened tightly together were cut through rather easily like a hot knife through butter. Backing away from him as she sheathed her knife and sitting once again as she sheathed her knife, Annaveya looked from him to his clothing as if the point was simple enough. [color=f6989d]"Your rags are repaired and cleaned. Enjoy. Get dressed as I rifle through the remainder of your belongings."[/color] Most of the basic nonsensical trinkets he had were simply set aside as something else caught her curiosity. A folded, precariously cared for piece of heavier parchment. It felt older, more peculiar than anything else. Perhaps this might actually be worth addressing Edoric about. Tossing it in front of him as he continued getting dressed, the Northern Cross had but only one question for the Pirate. [color=f6989d]"Now that business is done, what is this?"[/color]