Besk followed the droid, essentially, but not before letting the other new arrivals know, "I'll be running those function checks today, so make sure you find the armory and range before I find you." The doc felt he was too serious about the work, but Besk didn't survive this long by not knowing when to be serious; he and Sola got their yayas out on shore leave separately because being lovers on a ship together was a bit like being married -- you got to know someone all too well in that proximity, and shore leave was understood to be a situation where they went their separate ways for a couple days. After liberty, back together. He wasn't sure if that constituted a relationship, but it was war and Besk was a 'love the one you're with' kind of guy. The sentiment floated around Vanguard; the Sarge got lots of that from the rear-echelon mother-frakkers a lot, and rumor had it she'd occasionally go with the right REMF at the right time, because she was a woman that cleaned up well and the Alliance still had a gender imbalance among the humans despite its progressive attitude -- Mon Mothma was a woman, but theoretical equality and actual egalitarianism were two different things. Uslamers, by the by, managed better than most to bridge the gap; housands of years of practice. So he was comfortable giving the doc the middle finger when she called him "Uncle Besky." Old argument. They didn't have much of a range, but at least they actually had one at all. It was converted from the hold into a place where the troops could work on accuracy skills, but he had a crew bunk nearby it that he could use. CR-90 Corvettes came in all sorts of configurations, but the Intruder was a fast ship with a limited cargo hold and extra bunks for troops, outfitted to handle a platoon sized complement of people that handled the business at the sharp end of the operation, up close and personal. In short, it was designed for small sized, high value, very illegal shipments as well as boarding operations to get such valuable items. It just happened to suit Rebel service needs in that regard. The weapons locker was near an aft-facing loading ramp, which allowed for a low-altitude parachute extraction of supplies smuggled in, as the ship was also a blockade runner when called for it. To accommodate that, the drydock cut out some of the ventral engine and shifted them toward the port and starboard, while cutting out a significant portion of the lowest deck and cargo area to make room for a Katarn-class boarding shuttle that could be fit flush on the ship; it took up significant freight room, but it was ideal for making fast strikes. That had more engines than the spec, and was designed to fit in as well; the nose-mounted airlock with the plasma torches were standard on the Katarn...but the extra engine power at the expense of space wasn't. In any case, Betuu was there blowing away targets, "Well, nothing wrong with your weaponry, Betuu, you shoot better than Stormtroopers. Just be sure to report any diagnostic results on weaponry accuracy that show more than a 2% degradation, it probably means something needs calibrating with tools." More than a lot of the other replacements, anyway. The droid mechanic might know droids, but Besk knew how things that went pow worked. He also knew how to turn blaster charge packs into explosives and a lot of other things that made him a terrorist in the eyes of the Empire and a useful kriffing guy in the eyes of the Alliance, but he still found the droid shudder-inducing in a sense. Of course, these were the battle droids that terrorized the galaxy until someone decided to make clone soldiers to meet the threat. A super battle droid was like an armored support vehicle more than a proper infantryman in his mind, good for laying down suppressive fire, but as a former guerrilla, he knew that stealth, cover and good judgment could never quite be emulated in well as creativity. In their business, a battle droid had its ups and downs, and this one didn't seem to be quite agile enough for the practically nose-to-nose boarding actions 1st Platoon fought, but it still had uses. Anyway, it was an unforgiving type of combat that tended to disfavor inexperience anyway, and Betuu made up for low maneuverability and bulk in a lot of other ways. The business was serious; he had a couple other of the new recruits there for his function checks. He opened up the guts, checked the circuitry, made sure the gas lines for the tibanna was good and checked the chambers for any flaws. It was routine stuff, but Besk was a believer in weapons function checks. He didn't have the most sophisticated setup, like a whole shop, but rather a makeshift situation that involved lots of small hand tools and spare parts that could be put to use.