[u][b]Sabre ID Number[/b][/u]: S-05 [u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Nicholas Grayeson [u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 26 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Male [u][b]Appearance (Out of Uniform)[/b][/u]: [URL=http://s1148.photobucket.com/user/dakotachapman11/media/0ce767f26475aa9cb52c48cc91944413-d6l83or_zpssdiawi5t.png.html][IMG]http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o577/dakotachapman11/0ce767f26475aa9cb52c48cc91944413-d6l83or_zpssdiawi5t.png[/IMG][/URL] [u][b]Appearance (In Uniform)[/b][/u]: [URL=http://s1148.photobucket.com/user/dakotachapman11/media/future_soldier_concept_by_adelric_115-d5h578u_zpselweb8zi.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o577/dakotachapman11/future_soldier_concept_by_adelric_115-d5h578u_zpselweb8zi.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Nicholas is two, equal halves of his mother and father’s personalities. His mother is kind and caring for those she helps; constantly going out of her way to help someone who needs it. His father is proud and arrogant, totally believing that he can succeed by his own right alone. But he also is a strong believer in teamwork and making sure his friends come home safe and sound. But Nicholas also hides a darker, emptier feeling at times when he fails at completing whatever tasks are given to him. Making him push himself and whoever was associated to the failure to do better next time. He has a natural tendency to take charge and lead those under him; as well as inspire others when the situation seems dire. [u][b]Military Rank (Prior SABRE Assignment)[/b][/u]: Staff Sergeant [u][b]Specialization(s)[/b][/u]: {Listed Below} [i]Direct Action and Unconventional Warfare Specialist; essentially a specialist in deep infiltration of enemy territory and conducting hit-and-run tactics against them. This will allow the enemy to focus their efforts in other areas besides engaging the main force effort.[/i] [u][b]SABRE-05 Suit[/b][/u]: The S-05 Combat Armor Suit allows Grayeson to operate with moderate protection with ballistics, without worry of additional weight. Though he does have the option to add additional armor if it is required for his mission. It also allows him to operate in the vacuum of space for fifteen minutes; though it is usually used for emergency abandonment ship operation. While in the field, the suit has a heating and cooling operation which allows him to operate in multiple climates without much of a problem. And finally, the armor houses additional fluid “food resources” and recycling the “water” from his system; granting him the ability to operate longer in the field. [u][b]Augmentations[/b][/u]: {Listed Below} 1.) Muscular and Cardiovascular Enhancements; granting more strength and endurance than normal. 2.) Bone Density Enhancements; creating near invincible bone strength, without additional weight. 3.) Neural Interface Dock; allows remote mind access to local systems for infiltration missions. 4.) Cognitive Remote Control; allows wireless mind access to owned-equipment operation in the field. [u][b]Biography[/b][/u]: Grayeson was born to a poverty-stricken family who struggled with survival in the back water asteroid colonies. His father was once a decorated war hero was haunted by the horrors from the beginnings of the civil war. The man met Nicholas’ mother while recovering aboard a medical frigate; which she initially despised the man for being arrogant and rude. Eventually, she saw he had a kinder, gentler side and started dating him. A few months after his medical discharge from the Marine Corps; they were married and expecting a baby boy. This prompted the couple to move to somewhere away from the politics of the warring factions to raise their son. However, life in the rurals of the asteroid belt proved more difficult than imagined; forcing Grayeson’s father to take on dangerous jobs in order to just put food on the table. When Nicholas was old enough to start attending schools, his instructors noted how bright and motivated the child was. He excelled at all his studies and proving to be a very capable athlete when playing for his school teams. By the time he was in his young teen years, Grayeson’s father contacted some old war buddies and got his son cleared to attend a prestigious academy back on Earth. Initially against parting with his struggling family, his mother convinced him that it was for him to live a better life and they were proud of him. With this in mind, he boarded the shuttle to Earth to begin his new life as a military cadet at Gen. Robert Lee’s Military Academy. Life at the academy started out rough for the young Grayeson, who was constantly following in his father’s shadow (his decorated record kept hidden from him all his life). But eventually, Nicholas started to get a footing and established himself as a model student at the institution. His academic marks were above average as were his proficiency and conduct marks; prompting his instructors to recommend him for a commission as an officer a few years later. All this time, Nicholas kept his eyes glued to the news for reports of fighting between the rebels and his military. He knew that being an officer would no doubt make his life easier, but most officers eventually withdraw to desk jobs. Nicholas wanted to be in the thick of things, making sure his brothers and sisters got home safe. So when the time came, he was given two options: enlistment or commission in whatever branch he desired. Seeing the Marines in constant combat, ahead of all the others, he took that and the enlistment option. It was here, he learned from his swearing-in officer of Grayeson’s father’s military background. Nicholas reported to the Marine’s grueling training camp and along with an additional twenty recruits; started the thirteen-week training revolution. In the end, he graduated at the middle of his platoon and with only ten of original recruits earning the prestigious Eagle, Globe, and Anchor. Fast-forward, he attended the basic reconnaissance course (BRC) and graduated that insane course to become a basically trained Recon Marine as his primary occupation specialty. From here, he was attached with the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion and deployed with the Marines in multiple combat rotations. When word of the MARSOC (Marine Special Operations Command) Raider teams looking for potential members, Nicholas jumped right into line and went through the training. Now this was perhaps the most dangerous, out-of-your-mind training Nicholas had received to date. His initial platoon had fifty Marines, all seasoned veterans from the recon community, and ended with only fifteen with him in tow. From there, he was given a vast array of specializations for to specialize in before team assignments. Having conducted direct action and unconventional warfare engagements before, he opted for those two categories. After graduating from both schools of warfare, he was given special duty assignments to a new team created. His leaders were hush-hush and he was subject to multiple interviews (more like interrogations) before given a single folder with where he was supposed to report. Upon arrival, Nicholas was pushed through the rigors of a physical and combat fitness tests. Assessments and reports of his performance were passed to men behind black windows; making him wonder just what the hell was going on. Eventually, he was informed by a very senior brass member he was selected for an experimental team because of his “potential.” Though skeptical, Nicholas accepted the proposal and was inducted (though unknown at the time) into the SABRE program.