[b]Name[/b]: Ashmodin [b]Age[/b]: In reality, nearly 200, but looks a youthful 40 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Physical description[/b]: Tall, dark and handsome - that's how they would have called him back in his day before he was sealed inside Durbatur. Having arisen again as a dreadlord, he has chosen to keep his earlier visage. But that chiseled beauty that had been his face was now something else. He still had the same sharp nose, the same deep-set eyes, the same strong cheekbones - but there was a palidness to them that was beyond the mere decay of age. It now had an ivory quality to it - and a certain something. One look at Ashmodin is enough to resolve questions about life after death. It did not exist. That face, despite its expressions, despite the blood flowing behind it, was dead. But his eyes, coal-black and hard, shine like black diamonds. [b]Personal history[/b]: Nearly 200 years ago, Ashmodin was born as Tel Janin to a minor noble family in Elinor. As the second son, he was relatively free of expectations and found it much more enjoyable to lose himself in ancient text rather than match swords with some fool out in the yard. He yearned for knowledge. He devoured books that merchants brought from far-away places. As soon as he had been old enough, he had started traveling around the land. The more he saw, the more he realized the ways of the world. It was in present-day Carmalan that he found out he was a somarin. There, he entered the tutelage of Armad Dupan. Master Dupan was known as a scholar throughout the lands, and he also secretly headed the Gien Rebellion that sought to overthrow the monarch. Under Dupan, Tel quickly mastered several spells of the somar. The relationship didn't last for long though. Dupan wanted Tel to join his rebellion. The younger man wanted no part of a lost cause and said as much. The two never spoke after that. He was a keen observer of human nature. As he traveled and interacted with different peoples, he realized that despite their differences, humans were all the same. They yearned to be controlled though they believed otherwise. The freer a man became, the more muddled his life became. Control - control of lesser lives - fascinated him. He did not seek it with desire to control. He wanted to study the effects of total control on humans. He considered himself a scholar. He returned to his homeland at the age of 32, by which time he had already gained reputation as a scholar and a thinker. A few also knew of his abilities with the soms. High King Themunil immediately saw in him a mind sharp and agile. He took Tel Janin on as a counselor and trusted his judgement. Tel, for his part, remained slavishly loyal. For, by the side of Themunil, he would have ringside view of control. With a king as his friend, he could put his theories into practice. He swore on his life to stand by Themunil till the end. Thus he found himself riding to Durbatur in the wake of Tamas invasion. With the last counterstroke of Tamas, he was imprisoned along with his king in the depths of time. In that nebulous void, where time did not pass, he lay for 200 years. For 200 years, without thought, he watched his king fight with the darkness and finally succumb to it. He has now reemerged as Ashmodin along with his dear king, Lord Gengorid. Not an inch has he wavered in his loyalty. The Great Lord is still too weak to walk the world, and thus Ashmodin has been appointed the head of the dreadlords. Till the Day of Rebirth, Ashmodin will control the armies of the night and the agents of the dark. He sees no conflict in his present condition and welcomes the chance to pull the strings of millions. Currently, Ashmodin lives in an unknown location in the White Plains, planning his opening moves against the kingdom of Elinor. [b]Character traits[/b]: Intelligent, Cunning, Imaginative, Ruthless, Dispassionate [b]Skills:[/b] - Ashmodin is a powerful somarin with the ability to kill with the power (something no other somarin can do because of the vow) - He is a brilliant shara player. (Shara is a game played with small toy soldiers on a circular grid) - He understands military strategy and is able to formulate large-scale military plans