[color=orange][b]Name:[/b][/color] “Call me [b]Marga[/b]” is how she’s most likely to answer the question “what’s your name?” Whether that’s her real name or not remains unanswered. [color=orange][b]Race:[/b][/color] Marga’s brother tells her that his best guess on her lineage would be half-human, a man from one of the space colonies probably, and then of course their absent mother. Their mother came from a race of people called the Thuboisii that travel the various galaxies, intent on expanding their people’s knowledge and understanding in all matters. Marga has inherited some features of the Thuboisii from her maternal genes. Her mind processes information quick and puzzles or problems present themselves to her easily, allowing her to find solutions rapidly. Similarly, her five senses are heightened beyond that of a full-breed human. [color=orange][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/47/06/4f/47064fce50feadbee5084e873cc726b9.jpg[/img] [hider=Thuboisii][img]http://api.ning.com/files/DtcI2O2Ry7CenwXwpPoP0EX5u3llaZQyPMWPEpnNrBS6iDPF-NzqTppChLe6fFHss1D6m3z9oYgytxnaIcab-wqmcPnv*-*s/1082117281.jpeg[/img][/hider] Marga’s physical appearance differs very little from that of a regular human. Though perhaps shorter than average, standing at only 5’5, most of the time she is indistinguishable from the human race. However, when experiencing emotions in their extremes such as anger, arousal or sadness, her skin changes colour to the characteristic light blue and intricate patterning of the Thuboisii people. She has little to no control over the change. [color=orange][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Marga’s personality is best described as feline for the most part. She observes those around her with a demeanour of having little interest or care in their goings on, however she is quietly cataloguing information that may be valuable to her at a later date. Furthermore, like a feline, Marga does not exactly do “friendly” all too well. Be sure that when the mood takes her or the situation arises, she can be completely charming and charismatic, often talking her way out of a dangerous situation or likewise, talking her way into someone’s interests. Manipulation of people’s emotions is easy for Marga. When she sees an opening in a person’s metaphorical armour, she pounces on the opportunity given to her. Extracting people’s secrets from them without them even realising that they are giving them away is the art form of a grifter - and Marga is no doubt one of the best. Indeed, she enjoys exercising her skills of manipulation and persuasion when given the chance, be this by deception, intimidation or seduction. Marga’s own emotions are not kept in check all too well. While she can act pious and meek, those adjectives are not what anyone who knew the young woman would use to describe her. She sees most insults as a challenge - a character fault which has led her into trouble more than once. Ever eager to prove she as earned her place among her fellow pirates, thieves and bandits by her own merit and skill and not by warming the leaders’ beds, she can be rather reckless. Marga takes the outlook on life that it is very person for themselves. Though she has her brother, she does not do herself the disservice of relying on him too much for the day may come when they are no longer together. Each person’s demons and troubles are their own problem. If they fall beneath the weight and darkness of them, so be it. If a person is not useful to her, they are dispensable and that is just the way of the worlds. As a result, she constantly fears someone better replacing her role in the band of thieves she belongs to. [color=orange][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Marga’s hard-earned place in her band of thieves is secure for the moment as she hasn’t come across anyone who can exceed her infiltration skills. Whereas the tactic of others is to go in all guns blazing and take over a ship by force, Marga adopts a much more stealthier approach. Locked doors are no obstacle for her, whether she is locked out or in, as she is an expert hacker and lock-picker. Her methods of infiltration involve sabotage - rot a ship from the inside out without anyone even realising she was there. Then, her fellow thieves can attack a weakened and distressed vessel. Another skill Marga could be considered an expert in is explosives. While she is light of foot and generally can either avoid or hack security systems, being detected can sometimes be a problem. Her plan B in such situations for a successful getaway are her trusty explosives. [i]BOOM.[/i] Marga is rather proficient in such areas of climbing, abseiling and squeezing/crawling through tight spaces like air vents as her much smaller size and flexibility allows her to do this. Her heightened senses also give her improved hand-to-eye co-ordination. Where she lacks skill is in hand-to-hand combat and knowledge of various weaponry. Her solution when faced with such confrontation is to escape the immediate situation and recalculate her next move. Physically she is not much of an opponent, but intellectually she can bring a man to his knees. [color=orange][b]Non-standard Abilities:[/b][/color] Marga cannot recite to you great works of literature or poetry, but give her an untracked algorithm and she’ll break it for you quicker than you thought possible. The Thuboisii have a superior brain in terms of intelligence and storage capacity than that of a lot of other races as they have unlocked more parts of the brain than most. While Marga does not posses the full extent of these attributes, she has an eidetic memory and an ability to pick up information and instructions fast. [color=orange][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [i]Goggles (see appearance):[/i] Marga’s googles can pick up changes in temperature (helpful in detecting a person’s body heat) and traces of various elements. They are essentially a data base and are excellent when tracking a chemical signature of either a specific race or item. [i]Explosives and Mask (see appearance):[/i] Not all of the explosives Marga constructs are simply made to go [i]boom[/i]. There are flash grenades made to blind and stun people; small, localised charges made to block passageways; smoke bombs made to provide cover and toxic or chemical bombs made for various purposes but most regularly to render a room of people unconscious. Her specialised mask allows her to breath and not experience any of the effects from her explosives. [i]Lock-picking and hacking equipment:[/i] Old school and high tech, Marga can turn her hand to both. [i]Taser gun (see appearance):[/i] Located on her left hand, Marga’s taser looks deceptively like a rather nasty knuckle duster. However, the sheer amount of voltage fired from the small taser gun is enough to render nearly all species unconscious. Depending on the quality of an opponent’s armour, they are not always left unconscious but will experience something similar to having received a blow to the head or having been drugged. The taser is accurate over a range of fifteen feet, any more and results vary considerably. [color=orange][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Marga was primarily raised by her much older brother, Caael, who is also half Thuboisii. Her brother’s other half is unknown but is most certainly not human. Marga’s mother left her with her brother because to the Thuboisii, nothing is more important than the pursuit of knowledge - even family. Given that neither child showed the promise or desire to gather knowledge and intelligence from the universe, they were abandoned. This is not an uncommon trait of the Thuboisii. Marga’s brother was already an established member of a group of thieves when Marga was unceremoniously left in his care. His skill as a pilot had earned him a place among one of the most exclusive criminal groups which was compromised of various experts from across the galaxies. Instead of leaving her behind, Caael established a bond with the young child left in his care and brought her into the fold. Growing up surrounded by pirates, bandits and thieves, Marga’s path in life was unsurprising. Though, her rising beyond being a standard crew member to an essential and trusted member of the inner circle was. What led Marga to becoming a member of the team breaching the Lone Star was a botched heist. She and several other members of the infamous group of thieves called the [i]Armada[/i] were captured by the United Alliance Navy. Contrary to the saying, there is little honour amongst thieves and so, upon learning on the unique skills Marga possessed, she was given the choice between following her fellow crew members in their executions or joining a task force being sent to explore the Lone Star. Marga chose the later and began planning her escape. Well, that and her revenge. Being a saboteur herself, she could tell that her captured had not being accidental. [color=orange][b]Quote:[/b][/color] [i]”Whatever isn’t bolted down is my business. If I can sell it, spend it or trade with it, it’s as good as already mine. And if I don’t get caught, I deserve everything I steal.”[/i] [center]********************[/center] [b]FYI, Though this isn't a primary focus of the story, I'm open to romance with this character if anyone is interested.[/b]