Yeah thus we are now maxed out I believe. System for armor is, well, anything that works in support of Radar, realistic logic (carry your stuff around is complicated without pockets. :P) and the aspect of Guardian status with from the tower residents perspective. So those things is counted for and simple to explain such as radar insight is just a good smart link etc etc. Part of this comes out as, earn your gear, respect and position with'in the tower. Allegiences ain't a problem if it differs between the queen followers or tower/traveler followers because we will be part of a double fireteam setup. (important to remember that during any split of the group you stick with your fireteam number and don't mix for practical function... Unless special circumstances which could require an un even split) My idea for armor is majorly what class you have, try to pick some rare gear and by all means, no raid armor. (is sick of watching raid gear) that will be the simplest way to go about I think whilst maintaining the unspoken actual tactics this kind of life would usually be relying on. Or so I think. Any suggestions, critique to the idea, feel free to vent it as I find it important that we get along. Changes are still up for discussion. And final note: If you want to start your cs, feel free to do so, subjects might be up for change but not enough to wreck a character. What else did I promise that I have yet not included? >_>