[b]Warnings:[/b] Character Death, Unconventional Depictions of Religious Figures, Lotsa Random Anime Bullshit, ACTUAL Character Development [b]Tags/Prefences/Other Stuff:[/b] Active RPers, Not Concerned about being OP, Realistic Reactions/Characters, A Sense of Humor [hr] [b]Academia Abyssus:[/b] [i]People Don't Die When They're Killed![/i] Some time ago, probably between a century to an eon, the Devil-King Lucifer decided to finally stop being a cold, silent, slightly-semi-evil asshat and settled down with a nice woman, making a family. Subsequently, in order to create a good environment for his daughter to grow up in, the Devil-King decided to stop with all this eternal-torment nonsense and set about eradicating all the souls of those who fell into Hell due to legitimately sickening crimes. After that purge was done, there were only sorta-bad people left in Hell, who didn't really deserve to suffer, but at the same time, weren't good enough to spend the rest of their immortal lives up in the clouds with Jesus's entourage. So, with the encouragement of his lovely wife, and with his daughter's future resting in his hands, Lucifer gathered up the 72 members of the Ars Goetia Club, and began what would be the largest construction job of all of history, disregarding Genesis. Hell was split up into 73 districts, each run by a different demonic overlord with different tastes, and soon, what was once a wasteland full of fire and brimstone was transformed into a high-tech, industrial metropolis, with the backdrop of beautiful mountains, lush forests, and lots of other nice things. It was nice enough that even Angels would occasionally come over to chat with their old friends, spending their vacations over at Hell. And it was most definitely nice enough that Luu DeSeras, daughter of Devil-King Lucifer and Lady Death, could grow up to be a wonderful, happy child. That, sadly, was all just background fluff. [hr] [b]THE IMPORTANT STUFF[/b] Unfortunately, the human race as a whole is rather prone to screwing themselves over, doubly so when new-age cults start doing crazy spooky rituals that some suspicious crazy person told them to do. And when one particular psycho-cult accidentally broke the concept of 'dead people travel to either Hell or Heaven', supernatural monsters, born of human spirits, roamed the Earth. Dubbed 'Anomalies', these beings were extremely resistant to both the attacks of Angels and Demons, and caused all manner of havoc upon the ignorant masses, from tripping fat kids in school hallways to making mountains explode underwater. For a few months, Jesus and Lucifer were quite confused as to what to do. Then, Luu DeSeras, that lovely young lady (who now spent more time on the Internet than talking to her dad), had a brilliant idea! Make a school and train human spirits in Hell how to combat Anomalies! After all, sometimes, in order to kill a monster made of human-stuff, you needed to use a human! The first ever student, Gary Stu, performed brilliantly in regards to Anomaly-killing, displaying a power that was neither Angelic nor Demonic and promptly blasting a nefarious shoe-lace-loosening Anomaly into outer space. And with that, Academia Abyssus was approved of, and from then on, every year, 30 lucky, semi-not-evil teenagers got automatically enrolled into Academia Abyssus, to be trained as Anomaly-killers! This is a tale of the unending lives of the 41st Class of Academia Abyssus. [hr] [b]CS Template[/b] Appearance Image: Anime-only. Because I'm a weeb. Quote: Catchphrase that you'll actually use. Optional. Name: Gender: Age: 13-18 Appearance: Details that can't be garnered via image, such as height and weight. Personality: Keep it brief and snappy. Biography: One paragraph only. Feel free to omit anything you want to explore ICly. Death Scenario: How did you die back on Earth? Phobias: At least three. Skills: If I see anyone having something like 'hurrdurr black belt in 12 martial arts', you ded. Power: I'll PM you one. Huehuehuehue. Theme Song: Anything goes. I was probably slightly drunk/high/bored out of my mind when I was writing this. But hey, yeah, I wanted to make a light-hearted academy RP that will hopefully get to places, and where people can actually get their characters horribly mauled or killed without feeling bad. If you have any questions, hit me up. Also, guess I'll just elaborate on the whole death thing. If you die, your body fully recovers from all injuries that it had sustained. There is no 'penalty' for dying. That's why, if you get sick, stub your toe, or have allergies, just kill yourself. Sadly, this doesn't fix problems such as feeling tired or being hungry/thirsty.