[b]Name:[/b] Vayen. Lokh. [b]Race:[/b] Awoken. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Age n Age:[/b] 5 years as a Guardian, appears late 20s early 30s. [b]Class:[/b] Titan. [b]Ghost:[/b] Vayen's ghost is... Never talking out loud, it appears to somehow manage to transfer its thoughts to Vayen. That said, Vayen would be long gone without her. Indeed, Vayen calls it (openly refers the ghost as), "Saga" a female scandinavian name. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Vayen] [img]https://alltruthnofilter.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/destiny.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Gear:[/b] Mostly Titan Vanguard gear of Knight type though possess fine fur decorated shoulder pieces from the holdfast type, her armor is weathered and well worn. Modifying her knight type helmet to a blue visor and excluding the visor decor for better view, she remains less off an stand out in the tower. Pockets for handcannon magazines are well placed on both belt and legs. Overall Vayen's armor remains light and her Titan cloth bares the sign of the reefs own Queen, it is however a purple and light cloth. Purple is also the color of her set. [b]W.o.C:[/b] Thunderlord, not much else speaks to her and she tries to not involve herself in many other weapon types as she prefers to hone her skills rather than being a Jane of all trades. [b]Personality:[/b] A leader in role she appears to be generally serious about most things yet anyone working with her will find out that she cares more than that which show in words. On her spare time Vayen is rather dull and normal when she finds the time to take a breather. A fan of enjoying the little things yet finds it problematic to express its importance, so even where there is potential to be somewhat interesting Vayen remains a shadow among the guardians, a mirage of a normal person, only standing out in missions and results. [b]Background:[/b] What was no longer mattered, her first memory from being resurrected by her Ghost is screaming as if waking up from a nightmare. During the first year you took off to the Reef in order to seek more knowledge about herself, as an awoken and by some she quickly became known as their sister from earth, earning herself a rank among the residents of the reef and is considered an ally of the queen. Though she stands out little in the tower she is more known among those in the queens domain. Vayen's battle score and accumulated reputation on succesfull missions however is enough to been known by the towers Vanguard yet many still don't know how she looks like. She earned herself the Thunderlord during her first Iron Banner tournament as a annonymous participant and needless to say, she did not mess around in battle.