Half-tempted to grab his shotgun he reasoned there was another way. In the gym bag in his left hand were items meant to help him capture a vampire but they would certainly be good enough to disrupt the crowd given the right combination. He dropped the bag and unzipped it, sifting through several items, metal bat, wood stake, towels, - there it was. He pulled an aerosol can out of the bag followed by a towel and tied it hastily around the can, creating a makeshift sling. Out of a pouch he retrieved a lighter and lit the bottom. Gray didn't smoke but man did a lighter come in handy. He walked toward the Rusty Steak Knife as the towel burned, picking up heating and volume. With one good swing he shot it over the heads of his companions and into a group of surprised denizens. As the can impacted the pressure and heat caused it to burst outwards in flames catching clothing and skin alight and making for some impressive pyrotechnics from such a small object. Though not necessarily to an immortal foe it was one hell of a painful deterrent to buy the others some time. To further support the others Gray drew a Glock and started firing three-shot bursts into the wings of the vampire group that threatened to surround his retreating allies. They would need to get to the cars fast. Even outrunning vampires here could prove challenging. And then Flint showed everyone why Gray loved weapons with large magazines. Then he made the hunter's pyro trick look like a cheap match.