Her second trip through the Zeta Beam was a pleasant one, considering that she, unlike a few of the Earthlings here, did not get an upset stomach going through it. Starfire looked around as others exited the beam as well and headed toward the same area as the others. She did not have a bag with her. She honestly figured that her clothes would be enough and they would provide everything else. Following suit of Maxine and Speedy, she walked toward the bedrooms as well and stuck a claim to one two doors down from where Maxine had entered. She flew in quickly, looking around at everything. It was a very interesting place to her. She had only really had a small apartment uptown in Jump City and nothing as high tech as this. She sat on her bed for a brief moment, looking around, before her excited brain immediately began to dull down again and she stalked out of the room, heading down the hallway. She glanced up and looked around, running her fingertips along the wall, feeling the smooth metal. She noticed Speedy and Kid Flash arguing in one of the bigger rooms, a war room as she recognized the shape from the war rooms of Tamaran. She did not want to get involved with their argument as she made her way the rest of the way down the hallway. She came to a fork and looked around curiously. She did not know which way to go from here. Doing a quick eni-meanie-minie-moe in her head, she turned down the left hallway and began to walk that way as well, possibly hoping to find a training room or possibly a kitchen. She had conflicting emotions of both hunger and the urge to punch something in frustration. It was so much easier on her planet because you could punch almost anything you saw there. Quickly Kid Flash turned to see the angry Speedy, and as quickly as he can run immediately verbally backtracked. "Hey hey no need to get all uppity at me about the idea! I'm not just saying everyone maybe just the gray alien dude or like the mute kid or uh I mean come on man I would never EVER do anything too harsh right Night..." Kid Flash turned for confirmation from his friend, yet Nightwing had vanished in a fashion Kid Flash was kind of used too but still freaked out over. "OH COME ON!" Kid Flash blurted out angry as he flailed his arms in the air for a moment. "Forget it I'm hazing Nightwing or something... well it doesn't count as hazing I guess but whatever." At that point Kid Flash sighed irritated as he glanced back at Speedy. "Anyways yeah I'm Kid Flash, Dick said a lot of great stuff about you... I mean before you ended up on the ground and stuff." Kid Flash noted as he extended out a hand. Nightwing meanwhile had left Kid Flash to his own devices, and potientially a lot of pain from Speedy. He had hoped to get over to the living quarters, start looking for a room to pick out. Hopefully a nice room even though he had to question how good of a room you could get from the inside of a mountain. As his mind wondered from the thought he stopped looking where he was going for a moment, which resulted in a rare mistake for the young protege of Batman. *Wham!* "Oww..." Nightwing fell back onto his rear end, grasping at his own forehead hissing from the mild pain of it. He had suffered way worse injuries, but it was always the unexpected ones which hurt the most he noticed. Nightwing looked up, ready to say something either apologizing or upsetting the other person asking why they weren't paying attention. He paused though, immediately feeling his throat tighten up as he saw the bronzed orange skin of Starfire hovering just above him. Unfortunately, she had been so caught up in her surroundings that she, as she does most of the time, was not watching where she was going. Suddenly, she ran directly into someone, but her Tamaranean strength and balance kept her standing up. She looked down and saw a confused looking Nightwing on the ground. She tipped her head to the side, looking at him curiously. "Hello, Nightwing," she said calmly, holding out her hand to him. "I believe it is customary for me to apologize in this situation for I was not watching where I was going." She tossed her slight tinged pink hair over her shoulder. "But I must also ask what you are doing down here when young Kid Flash is getting hammered by Speedy." "Because sometimes Kid Flash needs to learn the hard way..." Nightwing noted as he accepted Starfire's hand to get back up to his own feet. "Yeah I'm sorry too, I wasn't looking where I was going either I guess." Nightwing berated himself a little for the mistake, it was a tough thing to swallow knowing he let himself smack into someone so clumsily. Nightwing paused, realizing just what was the awkward moment he was now stuck in. "Well uh, its been a while huh?" Nightwing's small talk skills needed work, but his mind was drawing blanks how he was suppose to talk to someone who his sole life experience with was being kissed by, and helping fend off aliens. "Indeed it has," Starfire told him, smiling at his lack of small talk skills. She withdrew her hand after he was standing fully up and crossed her arms across her chest. "I believe last time I saw you, I was still naive fourteen year old alien who didn't know English." She smiled. "And that it was you helped very much." She laughed softly at this, hoping that she does not embarrass him anymore, though she still was curious as to why he did seem embarrassed about that. "Talking of which, why did you have that redness on your face when Kid Flash asked you about kissing me? What is so embarrassing about that?" She looked at him curiously, her eyes wide like a child's. Nightwing knew the question was coming, but oh was he still not ready for it. Breathing for a second Nightwing's cheeks blushed as he glanced away from Starfire, up to the ceiling before back down to the alien. "Its just... its not really a normal thing to have a girl... well kiss you like you did." Nightwing tried to be polite how he said it. Because truthfully he could recall it in ways he couldn't for many things. The way her lips tasted, the pressure her strength put into her arms as they wrapped around him. Its been something that made him feel weird whenever he thought about it. "I mean not that it was bad or anything no no I did like it I mean uh not like..." Nightwing stopped himself quickly before he would eventually say something stupid. "I guess... yeah I'm sorry if that was embarrassing for you. I shouldn't have said anything about it to Kid Flash. Especially not to him. The guy wouldn't understand subtly if it came up and bit him." "I do not think that subtly has the physical ability to bite someone..." she said with a confused expression on her face. "Just as well I do not think," she continued off saying quietly, after he had finished, "that it was as embarrassing to me as it was for you, Nightwing. Out in the universe beyond your stars, it is very normal for that to happen. I apologize if it was wrong and embarrassed you further. We Tamaraneans do it most often because it is the fastest way to learn a language, even if we do not understand the concepts of the language at the time." She did smile, though, at his sudden panic attack that he thought that she thought that he thought the kiss was bad. "It is alright, Nightwing. It is a part of our past, is it not? We do not need to talk about it anymore, especially if Kid Flash cannot keep his mouth shut about it and causes you grief about it." She cringed as she heard Kid Flash's loud voice come down the hallway. "I am beginning to understand what you mean when you say that subtly is not his strongest suit."