[@Phobos][@Oblivion666] [Center][h3][b][color=f26522]Shinzo Harimaya[/color][/b][/h3][/center] As Shinzo glared at Aya the Captain appeared before them and basically told Shinzo off for calling Aya a bitch...really? it was harmless! Tch...whatever it didn't matter. Shinzo just shrugged it off then spoke "[color=f26522]Well then my apologies...Perhaps I was a bit harsh with my words there, I just don't like being used as a crash mat is all...[/color]" Shinzo practically ignored Aya, he didn't even look in her direction when she spoke and instead was focused on the Captain...after all he had the most noticeable presence. Shinzo followed after the Captain and thought to himself for a moment as he followed [i]"[color=f26522]I'm sure of it now...If I wasn't before then I am now...I want to stand against one of these Captains, I want to fight against one...this power is crushing and they're holding back! I've got a long way to go before I get close to that power but I will get there one day and face one of them in combat and take their position...after all...I hate that feeling of being crushed! These bastards probably don't even know what it feels like...I'll make them feel it...I'll watch them fall to their knee's as my power crushes them![/color]"[/i] At that point Shinzo clenched his hands into fists