[@Pie Flavor][@Oblivion666] [Center][h3][b][color=177245]Nishi Matsuro[/color][/b][/h3][/center] As Nishi got closer to the water she soon realised she was falling in and before she could do anything she was under the water, seconds later a large splash hit the water as Yuuki fell in. Nishi then surfaced, listening as Yuuki spoke which caused her to rub the back of her head and laugh nervously "[color=177245]My bad~ Sorry. You didn't need to try stop me from falling in, it's the normal sort of thing that happens to me...sorry for getting you wet[/color]" Nishi then listened as Nene spoke and pouted and looked away "[color=177245]No it's not! I just saw a pretty fish is all and it tricked me into falling in! It was the fishes fault![/color]" Nishi said as she then climbed out, her clothes now soaking wet which caused her to sigh "[color=177245]This could take awhile to dry...damn you fish![/color]" She said pointing at the pond with a failed attempt at a angry and threatening voice