And with Impy's blessing, here are my two~ [b]Name:[/b] Aster. Floret gave her this name when they first met. She hated it at first, but it grew on her. [b]Race/Subrace:[/b] Changeling [b]Sex:[/b] Identifies as a Female. [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Appearance:[/b] Looks pretty much like your standard changeling drone when she's not disguised as another pony, with few unique features. Aside from her grey mane and tail that have both have grown out a bit, she is pretty much your typical changeling. The pony form she uses most often is that of a Unicorn with a plum colored coat with blue eyes. Her mane is an off grey color, nearing white, with a dark purple patch that usually hangs just above her eye. She always wears a silver heart-shaped pendant around her neck, a gift from Floret. Her cutie mark is an unspecified gold flower. As a pegasus, she looks exactly like this, minus the horn. The same for as an earth pony. Since I'm not confident in my appearance describing abilities, here's a thing I did with the Pony Creator: [hider=Appearance ][img=] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Aster is friendly as long as you're friendly to her, though she does have a bit of a temper at times and can stay angry at somepony longer than is reasonable, even Floret. A peace offering of vanilla Ice cream or other sweet can calm her though. She has an almost childlike curiosity about the world, and wants to know about every single inch of it that she can find. She's a bit insecure about being a changeling though, and even if she is accepted by the princess and a legal resident of Equestria, she'd prefer others to not know she is one simply because others usually treat her differently if they know. [hider=Background] Aster, has, always been a bit of an odd changeling. Even when she was first hatched, she never really unquestioningly followed the hives orders. She always had that lingering question in the back of her mind: Why? Which was a dangerous question to ask if you're a changeling. She managed to disguise her curiosity and the fact she wasn't a mindless Drone fairly well when she was growing up however. It wasn't until later that problems started to occur. She was given the role of a hunter, as in a changeling in charge finding new places for the hive to feed from. She had been having thoughts of leaving the hive for some time at this point, but never really had any motivation to do so. She couldn't just leave, she'd either die from lack of food, or the equestrians would find her. Neither of those two options seemed very appealing to her. After getting a taste of the semi-freedom that came with scouting, she wanted more. Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. Some of the other changelings reported that she was showing odd behavior. Showing up late at times when she was scheduled to go hunting, spending longer hunting than she was supposed to. Small things, but it was enough of a warning sign to the rest of the hive. She managed to escape the hive after being confronted by the other changelings, though not without being wounded. She didn't know where she was going, and she didn't care. She was free from the hive. But she had nowhere to go. The ponies wouldn't help her, that was sure. Perhaps she could go to Celestia and plead Amnesty? That didn't seem very likely. Since the invasion, Canterlot was almost impossible for a changeling to get into. After patching up her wounds the best she could with some stolen medical supplies from a small town, she headed north. Eventually she reached Baltimare, but she was in trouble. Not having fed for awhile was starting to take its toll, and in her already wounded state she couldn't last much longer. She stumbled into the nearest building she could find, but passed out moments later. She didn't know how long she was out, but it couldn't have been long, as her wounds still hurt, though they seemed better to have been bandaged better than she was able to. She was quite surprised when she had saw Floret for the first time. A pony had actually helped her. She was suspicious at first, and thought this was just a trap and was initially a bit wary of her, even though she offered her a place to stay. Over the next few days, she wasn't attacked by guards or anything, in fact, she had felt better than she ever did. This was odd, to her. A pony helping her and /giving/ her love, even if said pony didn't know it herself. As a few months passed, she found herself slowly returning those feelings. When she was finally found out by the guards, she was devastated and almost certain she was going to be killed, or whatever guards did with changelings. She's not sure what exactly happened, but Floret managed to convince the princess that she was harmless and wasn't going to cause trouble. And she suddenly found herself a citizen of Equestria. A changeling. A citizen of Equestria. Princess Celestia even allowed her to study magic theory, and other arcane things, something she grew intrigued with after coming to Equestria. She'll never be good as a Unicorn as changelings magic outside of transformation is rather weak, but it still fascinated her enough to put forth effort into learning theories and things concerning magical relics. Still, even with all of this she couldn't help but to feel a bit...trapped. She loved Floret and all, but something was missing. And that something was the Exploration League. After she convincing Floret to come, the two left their shop in the care of Floret's father, and left. Aside from being versatile and her healthy curiosity in the world around her, she is quite knowledgeable about magic. Though she can't cast the more powerful spells herself since she's a changeling, she is well versed in theories and detecting items of a magical nature.[/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Autumn Floret [b]Race/Subrace:[/b] Pony, Earth. [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Appearance:[/b] Floret is pretty much your average earth pony. She has a tanish-orange coat with a light purple mane that is usually neatly combed with the back braided, with her tail following a similar fashion. Her eyes are a light purple color as well, and her cutie mark is a bundle of Aster flowers. She can usually be seen wearing a blue Orchid in her mane, or other similar blue flower, and is always seen wearing a blue scarf - even in the middle of summer. She rarely takes it off, as its a gift from Aster. Since I'm not confident in my appearance describing abilities, here's a thing I did with the Pony Creator: [hider=Floret][img=][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Floret is a friendly pony who loves flowers and plants, and loves giving them to ponies. She's an avid botanist, and if there's something about a particular flower or plant you need to know, she's your mare. She can be a bit stubborn at times, and once she has her mind set on a goal, there are few things that can stop her from accomplishing that goal. She's rash though, and often makes decisions without thinking them through. However, she absolutely hates leaving her Baltimare flower shop and loathes to be away from her home/shop for more than an hour or so. This has led to some problems, but since Aster came along she doesn't have to worry about getting out of the house that often. If she does, Aster usually has to drag her out by her hooves. She also hates cold things and cold weather, since she gets cold easily. Her favorite flower is obviously an Aster. [hider=Background] Floret was born and raised in Baltimare, her mom a hair stylist and her father a professional gardener and landscaper who ran his business out of their home. Even as a foal she never liked the city, as to her it was too grey. Too many buildings and too few plants and trees outside of the parks and other odd plant. She discovered her cutie mark at an early age, and by the time she was ten, her room was completely covered in flowers and other plants that she tended too every day, and spent most of the time in her room with them, as she didn't like going outside. Eventually, she moved out of her parents house and brought her own little place, and after a few weeks of getting settled in, she started to fill it with flowers, and open a flower shop. It was easy for her, since she liked it even if she didn't see a whole lot of business at first, but soon her flowers become one of the best known places in Baltimare for getting flowers. In fact, it grew big enough that she needed to hire a second pony to help with it. Thankfully, it was around this time she found a changeling in one of her greenhouses. Any normal pony would have probably been scared, ran out the doors and called the guards. She didn't though, because a changeling that was passed out on her floor half dead posed little threat. She still doesn't really know /why/ she helped it. Maybe it was just curiosity. Perhaps she felt sorry for the poor thing. Whatever the reason, After treating its wounds the best she could and taking a few precautions in case it was hostile, it woke, though it seemed incredibly weak. She asked its name in which it replied that it didn't have one. She gave it the name of Aster and decided that it could stay at the shop if it would behave. After that, the changeling started to work in her shop as her assistant in return for a place to stay. Though Floret knew the danger a changeling posed, Aster never once acted hostile towards her, and eventually the two grew close. Close enough that when the guard found out that she was a changeling and took her, Floret went straight to the highest authority in the country, princess Celestia, and demanded that she not be harmed and released. It was an unusual sight to say the least, a pony defending a changeling, a pony that could have very well been being controlled by said changeling. After a brief investigation and making sure that Aster was in fact friendly, they released her, and the two resumed their normal life with Aster now being a legal changeling citizen in Equestria, though from time to time Celestia sent somepony to check on them. She even got to study magic theory and other things of the arcane nature for a time. Of course, she'll never be as good as a unicorn but that's not going to stop her from trying. Despite this, Aster was less than happy and Floret could tell. Aster, by nature liked to travel, and When she got word that the Explorers league was formed, she practically begged her to come with her. Floret knew that she wouldn't last very long out there unless she found another pony that loved her, and Floret wasn't too keen on that idea. She knew that if she didn't go though, Aster would just end up being miserable. In the end, she Decided to go with Aster rather than making her miserable, and with permission from the Princess, the two became part of the League. By herself, Floret has very little to offer the league aside from her knowledge of plants, and though she's not too keen on going, she is secretly hoping she'll get to name a newly found plant or bring some exotic specimens back to Equestria.[/hider]